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NCAA Violations

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The AD is accountable as he over sees the department.  Hence, the title Athletic Director.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: Kandrase on April 20, 2021, 08:22:30 PM ---
I wonder if LSU could have any penalties for hiring a coach who was actively violating recruitment compliance

--- End quote ---

This is an interesting observation.
So far, Bo’s violations occurred when he was at YSU.
However, we don’t know if he has corrected his mistakes before working at LSU or whether LSU has neither self reported nor investigated by NCAA up to this point.

  Agree with much of what all of you say.  I point the finger at Bo, but Strollo is the CEO of the athletic department.  He was afraid of Bo, and would not hold Bo accountable.  Bo looked at this job as a hobby and so did his staff.  Lazy and it shows.

 As for big picture with Strollo, he is average at best. 

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on April 21, 2021, 08:46:55 AM ---  Agree with much of what all of you say.  I point the finger at Bo, but Strollo is the CEO of the athletic department.  He was afraid of Bo, and would not hold Bo accountable.  Bo looked at this job as a hobby and so did his staff.  Lazy and it shows.

 As for big picture with Strollo, he is average at best.

--- End quote ---
Average?  What do you see that would elevate him to average?  If the boss is afraid of the employee, how is the boss "average".  I see him as several steps below average.

The YO Show:
Two things, first this HURTS really bad when we NEED to have better recruiting and this violation has just FURTHER hurt our recruiting potential for the next two years.

Second, IDK about YSU but at the company I work for the compliance departments are brutal as is our management on ensuring we are in compliance. If I'm 3 months away from hitting a deadline that I have to have some yearly training done by to be in compliance I'm getting yelled at. If I fail to complete the training before the deadline it will have consequences for performance review and raise and could lead to further discipline or termination, but I know damn well the DAY BEFORE I would be non-compliant I would get pulled from my duties and put in a room to finish the test. Upon completion there would be someone requiring to see the results to confirm I passed and then I would likely have a performance review on the spot with my immediate supervisor.

ALL that is said to say, sending a reminder that he didn't take the test is not enough. They needed to go into enforcement and ensure he wasn't recruiting if he wasn't compliant. That is literally part of the compliance department's responsibility (yes it sucks having to babysit people but this is usually not a big deal).


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