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YSU Oakland MBB Horizon Tourney

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1.That last play in regulation might have been as bad as i've seen.  Dribble the ball 35 ft from the hoop and shoot from there.

2.Why was Akuchie guarding Moore the last 4 possessions and getting drove by. Come on coaches!!!

3.Bad time to have the most turn overs during the season.

4. Refs love calling offensive charges on YSU.

5.  Is Calhoun ever going to have a elite to decent pivot player ?

What a heartbreaker...typical YSU - Oakland gave going down to the buzzer.  Still just in shock on that last possession of regulation.  18 seconds and not even give yourself a chance.  Shot better & out-rebounded Oakland, but the turnovers were just the difference in this one; 20 of them- just brutal.  I didn't understand Akuchie on Moore either at the end as he kept getting beat.  YSU didn't get any breaks on the offensive charge calls.

Covington was outstanding.  I'm thinking that his 30 points might be a career high.
Naz had a triple double 14 points,13 rebounds,and 11 assists.  It must have been his first in his 4 seasons.  Can't remember who the last penguin was that had one.


--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on March 02, 2021, 09:54:24 PM ---Covington was outstanding.  I'm thinking that his 30 points might be a career high.
Naz had a triple double 14 points,13 rebounds,and 11 a$$ists.  It must have been his first in his 4 seasons.  Can't remember who the last penguin was that had one.

--- End quote ---

Career high for Covington...I agree he was outstanding and nearly willed YSU to victory. 

The triple double was supposedly the first ever in YSU history.  That's hard to believe. 

Double ET:
The turnovers really killed us especially those few {unforced / careless passes) committed by DQ. He is too good a player to make those mistakes. I think the long lay-off really hurt his feel for the flow of the game.

I have no idea what play was drawn up for the last possession. Everyone was just standing around waiting for something to happen. Of course, it never came. This reminds me of the same stupid play (under Slocum) at the end of the game with Oakland when Larson was inserted into the game (1st time in the game) with about a second left in regulation with YSU up two.
Larson ran the defender over on the inbound. Oakland made the FT and won the game in OT.

History just repeated itself.......with Oakland again.

The team played well together after DQ returned. Unfortunately, we picked the wrong game to have 20 turnovers.
Kudo to Covington..... he has played well in the last few game (in additional to his defensive efforts).

Now we have to wait and see if any of the seniors & DQ choose to return for next year. With limited scholarships and incoming Freshmen, I wonder how many of the current reserved players would be able to stay with the team.


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