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Johnson Suspended

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You people are f***ing stupid and judgemental. That was a bang bang play where a YSU player pushed the guy at the last minute. It looked like a natural reaction from a former NFL linebacker.  Has anyone asked him what his intent was?  Or do we just a$$ume?  You stupid liberals in Youngstown, this is your MO.  That's what's wrong with the whole valley it's why it's ruined.  Just go ahead and make judgments against people without asking them because that's what the mob does.  So glad I moved away from that place.  What a sad waste.  What if he was white? Do you think if he was white and did it against the black player it would have been seen as racial?  We're going to get some social justice warriors on here to discuss this?  Or do you racist think that Tim Johnson Is a thug because he's black? 

Here's what I say, No one on here knows what happened. There are multiple viewpoints. The university took politically correct position and suspended him.  I'm not going to pa$$ judgment.  I think that coaches lean their shoulders into players as they come off the sideline and practice anyways.  It didn't look like it was a cheap shot It actually looked as if he was trying to make sure that he wasn't going to lose his balance because he wasn't expecting him to come in that fast.  What the hell do I know? What the hell do you know? You people just want to make controversy for nothing and it makes the program look bad.  Bo was a problem on multiple levels culturally.  This coach has a pretty good program going I can tell already.  People just need to STFU.  And if it was intentional it couldn't have happened to a better opponent.  Football is a game of violence and sometimes you have to protect yourself on the sidelines. Just because it didn't look good doesn't mean it wasn't honest. Anyone speculating that their viewpoint shows intent is simply speculating you don't know the facts.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on March 03, 2021, 07:06:17 PM ---You people are f***ing stupid and judgemental. That was a bang bang play where a YSU player pushed the guy at the last minute. It looked like a natural reaction from a former NFL linebacker.  Has anyone asked him what his intent was?  Or do we just a$$ume?  You stupid liberals in Youngstown, this is your MO.  That's what's wrong with the whole valley it's why it's ruined.  Just go ahead and make judgments against people without asking them because that's what the mob does.  So glad I moved away from that place.  What a sad waste.  What if he was white? Do you think if he was white and did it against the black player it would have been seen as racial?  We're going to get some social justice warriors on here to discuss this?  Or do you racist think that Tim Johnson Is a thug because he's black? 

Here's what I say, No one on here knows what happened. There are multiple viewpoints. The university took politically correct position and suspended him.  I'm not going to pa$$ judgment.  I think that coaches lean their shoulders into players as they come off the sideline and practice anyways.  It didn't look like it was a cheap shot It actually looked as if he was trying to make sure that he wasn't going to lose his balance because he wasn't expecting him to come in that fast.  What the hell do I know? What the hell do you know? You people just want to make controversy for nothing and it makes the program look bad.  Bo was a problem on multiple levels culturally.  This coach has a pretty good program going I can tell already.  People just need to STFU.  And if it was intentional it couldn't have happened to a better opponent.  Football is a game of violence and sometimes you have to protect yourself on the sidelines. Just because it didn't look good doesn't mean it wasn't honest. Anyone speculating that their viewpoint shows intent is simply speculating you don't know the facts.

--- End quote ---

Always gotta be something political with penguinpower lol

the video speaks for itself.  everyone can make their own opinion as to what happened.

go guins:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on March 03, 2021, 07:06:17 PM ---
 It looked like a natural reaction from a former NFL linebacker.

--- End quote ---
That says, "he is guilty of intentionally trying to hurt a player" Which means fired and bared from campus for life IMO.
Making this some political thing is just plain silly, and highlights your intellect.  I think Johnson should have been thrown out during the game, and I am nearly a "storm the capital Trumper".


--- Quote from: go guins on March 08, 2021, 11:44:42 AM ---
--- Quote from: penguinpower on March 03, 2021, 07:06:17 PM ---
 It looked like a natural reaction from a former NFL linebacker.

--- End quote ---
That says, "he is guilty of intentionally trying to hurt a player" Which means fired and bared from campus for life IMO.
Making this some political thing is just plain silly, and highlights your intellect.  I think Johnson should have been thrown out during the game, and I am nearly a "storm the capital Trumper".

--- End quote ---

You are f***ing idiot LIBTARD. If someone is running toward you and pushed into you, I am certain (as the liberal you portay) you would fall into the fetal position and hide from the contact.  As I said, you dont' know intent.  You are also a racist  and Nazi sympathizer.  Don't come down South.   You aren't welcome.   Stay in your Sh** HOLE.   By the way.  Have you asked him if it was intentional or do you part of the misinformation campaign?


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