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Johnson Suspended

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go guins:

--- Quote from: peteonastick on March 02, 2021, 01:16:17 PM ---Hold on!  Not saying what happened was right or wrong but watch the replay again. Right at the last second a YSU player shoved him late when he is already out of bounds towards Johnson. He wasn’t expecting that and couldn’t get out of his way. Did he defend himself against the hit or purposely go after the player? I Don’t think he did it on purpose. I was there and it happened so fast that it was hard to tell in live motion. But for all intents and purposes it is over and done. He got his punishment. You may not agree with it the punishment but we don’t have that say. Only those who spoke to him and heard from the coach make that call.

Go Guins.

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Not the way I see it at all.  looks intentional to me and I don't want a guy like that on our campus! 

I am sure glad the player did not get hurt

IAA Fan:
There was not even a flag thrown after replay, so I am not sure this was anything but YSU making the call. All plays are reviewed now, but not sure a flag could have been thrown. I think when ESPN covers it you are forced to make a move.

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSU1 on March 02, 2021, 04:02:16 PM ---I am sure glad the player did not get hurt

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at least one thing we can all agree on!

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: go guins on March 02, 2021, 12:33:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on March 02, 2021, 11:48:37 AM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on March 02, 2021, 09:23:12 AM ---He a$$aulted a visiting student-athlete...documented on camera...and wasn’t immediately terminated? I’m not sure why he wasn’t arrested and criminally charged.

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When I think of "a$$ault" Woody Hayes comes to mind. What TJ did was wrong but it does not fit a$$ault, he did not charge the player. Again not happy with what he did, does not reflect well for YSU, but not so sure that he should lose his job over it.

I am ok with him getting a second chance and hope that he will be a better person for it.

Was his penalty dictated only by YSU or was the league involved? I guess that would dictate if the matter is closed or not.

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WHAT?!?!?  He intentionally tripped a player running out a play clearly out of bounds. This was an incredible cheap shot obviously intended to injure an opposing player.  Next, should we say, the teacher only grabbed her a$$ once and so he deserves another chance?  She old took a bribe for a higher grade once so she deserves another chance?  Don't we have any standards!!  Woody nearly got run over and just swung, this clown lined up his foot 5 yards out and know exactly what he was planning.  To me Johnson was worse!  I'm embarra$$ed he is still employed and a school I though had courage, leadership and principles.

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It’s becoming clear to me that Pelini was a symptom, and not the disease.


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