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UNI Gameday Thread

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So far YSU has played the FBS equivalent of playing Alabama and Notre Dame...Losing 25-7 and 21-0.  This week we play Clemson.  While not optimal, we haven’t been blown out.  Pelini was a huge disappointment and left the program in shambles.  Give Phillips a couple years to get it going in the right direction.  It’s going to take at least two recruiting classes and recruiting appears to be what he does well.   

I hope you are right about Phillips.  However, his time at the programs u mention are short stints as RB coaches and a few other entry level jobs. He has zero coordinator experience.  One year as a recruiting coordinator thats it.  Peterson was recruiting coordinator at OSU and you see how well he has contributed to the O-LINE which he coaches.  The entire staff is a reach at best.

Does anyone remember that one year ago as Pelini left and Phillips was hired, our roster contained five or six offensive linemen. Phillips was in an impossible situation as clearly the o-line is the hardest element of a football team to develop properly.  What we are seeing is very tough to watch but not really unexpected.

Tressel became university president in the spring of 2014.  By the end of the fall, Wolford was gone. Tressel probably wanted to bring his own guy on board then, but the Pelini situation interfered. How could we turn down a local guy who won at least 9 games every year in the Big Ten? Nobody at that time, including Tressel, could have predicted how thoroughly Pelini would screw up this program.

Now Tressel finally has his own man in place. And make no mistake, Phillips is here only because Tressel wanted him. I trust his judgment on football matters.

go guins:

--- Quote from: goodnews on February 28, 2021, 02:00:09 PM ---The AD has no clue when to hire or fire or who to hire and fire.  The job is obviously a tough sell.  We ended up with a man who has studied Jim Tressel phrases (young men) to prepare for media interviews and wants to dress like him too.  He is an imposter.  At some point the LIP service wont work.   

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Give me a break!  Bo leaves us without much at all and 2 games into what is aptly called the "silly season" you want to cut and run!?!?!? WTF do you think you'd get next?  This guy needs at LEAST a couple regular seasons to begin to judge.  That would be 2021-22 and 2022-23 so don't talk to me until at least the spring of 2023  Get Vince Lombardi to coach me and 4 of my buddies as an OL we'd still lose every game. 


--- Quote from: guinpen on February 27, 2021, 09:18:07 PM ---I am not football savvy enough to know if it is a case where the talent is not there or they just need more playing time together. At this point you could make a case for each.

Having all those newbies on the O-line at the same time has to be a major challenge  for the players and the coaches.

Pick the best player for each position and let them get game time together. Treat the spring season as an extended spring game and get ready for the fall.

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It’s serious lack of talent on the OL


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