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UNI Gameday Thread

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I am not football savvy enough to know if it is a case where the talent is not there or they just need more playing time together. At this point you could make a case for each.

Having all those newbies on the O-line at the same time has to be a major challenge  for the players and the coaches.

Pick the best player for each position and let them get game time together. Treat the spring season as an extended spring game and get ready for the fall.

Can someone explain to me how/why Peterson and his puppet son are still on the coaching staff?  What has he done to improve the O-Line since his arrival?  It takes YEARS to create continuity and thats a$$uming you have recruited players that can play at this level.  This program is 4 or 5 years from competing and thats a$$uming the recruiting vastly improves.  If this staff can't develop talent forget it. Not to mention the majority of the coaching staff hasn never coached at this level.

1. Pelini left the cupboard bare.  He was a terrible coach that disliked recruiting worse than Heacock.  It's going to take time.  I like what I see.
2.  The offense is terrible because of the line and lack of WR at the moment but mainly the line.. DP has said that his team will be built upon the OL and DL using 3 sport athletes and such on multiple occasions.
3.  DP has something like 22 redshirt freshman on the defense.  Because the offense isn't getting it done, the defense is getting great experience because they are on the field for twice the number of snaps as they should be.  I believe that the defense is already at a playoff levelnand still has upside.  If they played half the snaps I think you would see half the scores.  That would mean if we had an even remotely competent offense our Defense would be giving up 11.5 points per game on average with half the snapss and this doesn't account for the terrible field position caused by the offense and special teams.
4.  If you want to win games right now, I think you have to use Waid because his legs give you the best chance with the OL situation.  However, that comes with ruining your QB (as we've seen with every running QB.  So I say build it for the long term and get experience using this bullsh** season that will have an asterisk next to it for eternity.  You think NDSU was planning to have Lance opt out for the draft?  The national champion will have an asterisk next to them because if Lance had stayed they would have been better off, but the draft was too important and enough pussified schools run by libtards opted out (i.e. indiana state) and had this bullsh** spring season.
5.  I missed this game. First time in years.  I have no expectations for this scrimmage season.  Maybe this is the year that UNI bridesmaids finally wins a NC and the best part is they will have an asterisk next to the title because everyone in the country knows that the best teams have been hamstrung by the situation unnecessarily created by non-scientific judgements on whether they were going to allow 18-22 year olds that are deemed the lowest risk to play during the designated season..What a f***ing joke.  We have no leadership anymore.  All we have in this country are cowards.

Politics has nothing to do that our football program has sunk to nothing.  When Tressel took the Buckeyes job the powers to be have made one bad decision after another.  Heacock, Wolford, Pelini,  We are in a conference that don’t give a sh** about us and geographically don’t fit and it’s destroyed us.  The BS that our conference is the SEC means nothing to the casual fan.  They want to see W’’s and a chance to make the playoffs. They don’t care how tough the conference is. The economics have changed where OtherFCS programs pay more for their assistants than our HC.  Wake the hell up here.  We need to get out of the MVC find a conference that fits us geographically for fans and recruiting.  Or drop down to D2.  We ARE not going to get lucky again like the 90’s.  Look in the mirror here! Go Penguins


--- Quote from: YSUGO on February 28, 2021, 11:13:17 AM ---Politics has nothing to do that our football program has sunk to nothing.  When Tressel took the Buckeyes job the powers to be have made one bad decision after another.  Heacock, Wolford, Pelini,  We are in a conference that don’t give a sh** about us and geographically don’t fit and it’s destroyed us.  The BS that our conference is the SEC means nothing to the casual fan.  They want to see W’’s and a chance to make the playoffs. They don’t care how tough the conference is. The economics have changed where OtherFCS programs pay more for their a$$istants than our HC.  Wake the hell up here.  We need to get out of the MVC find a conference that fits us geographically for fans and recruiting.  Or drop down to D2.  We ARE not going to get lucky again like the 90’s.  Look in the mirror here! Go Penguins

--- End quote ---

Well we are not dropping down to D2 and we are not switching conferences so wishful thinking.


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