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--- Quote from: guinpen on February 11, 2021, 10:50:56 AM ---
--- Quote from: lakesbison on February 11, 2021, 10:04:23 AM ---These are 18-22 year olds in top physical shape they will be fine. quit babying this generation.  NDSU players all got Covid last June July preparing for Fall 2020 like Clemson & Alabama did.
 Why didn't YSU ISU or whomever?

Regardless.  I want YSU to have a good program,  its good for FCS!!

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Wish that I had a dollar for every time in the past year I have heard the argument that the young and in shape basically have nothing to worry about. Sounds great but is a shallow argument, it is not just about the 18 - 22 year old's, the concern should be with the parents, grandparents, coaches and others that may come in contact with the 18 - 22 year old's. Not all of these folks are able to handle covid.  It is not about babying anyone, there are more important things in life than football.

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Well said.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 10, 2021, 08:48:31 AM ---You people keep missing the point on this micro-season. As if I truly give a crap about the virus anymore? I am well aware of what is right and wrong. It does not matter if you live in the "Sticks" Lake, the same rules should be evenly applied. My ONLY concerns are

1. Too damn cold for football & it is not a winter/spring sport. Who wants to go? I have never missed a YSu season & I am begging for this one to go away..
2. There are going to be injuries in this season, just like any other. Just what kind of shape do you think any team will be in, come July, after the previous season ended just a month earlier? NDSU will we be the best team in the league...by attrition.

Smarten up. Accept the fact that we missed the 2020-2021 season.  We all have to do the same thing so no other conference team has any advantage. I am rooting for ISU this whole season. Again this has NOTHING to do with the virus.

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Too cold? Have you not been to one of our November / December home games? We play colder home games than NDSU  ;D lol.

Also.. if we skip spring season we're going to miss out on developing our very young roster. Do we want to go into Fall with 8 less games of experience than the rest of the conference? I understand the injury risk but I think the lack of reps are significant as well.

The YO Show:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 10, 2021, 08:48:31 AM ---You people keep missing the point on this micro-season. As if I truly give a crap about the virus anymore? I am well aware of what is right and wrong. It does not matter if you live in the "Sticks" Lake, the same rules should be evenly applied. My ONLY concerns are

1. Too damn cold for football & it is not a winter/spring sport. Who wants to go? I have never missed a YSu season & I am begging for this one to go away..
2. There are going to be injuries in this season, just like any other. Just what kind of shape do you think any team will be in, come July, after the previous season ended just a month earlier? NDSU will we be the best team in the league...by attrition.

Smarten up. Accept the fact that we missed the 2020-2021 season.  We all have to do the same thing so no other conference team has any advantage. I am rooting for ISU this whole season. Again this has NOTHING to do with the virus.

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In terms of injury attrition IAA, one thing to consider, the team is probably the largest it will ever be! With the new players and the other players that all got extra eligibility and are still playing. IF attrition does happen it theoretically will only take us to the levels we expected to be at depending on position? IDK. the more I thought about that because of the larger roster, the less I am concerned. Obviously it would hurt more with a QB injury but yeah you can only control what you can.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: Kandrase on February 11, 2021, 02:53:43 PM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on February 10, 2021, 08:48:31 AM ---You people keep missing the point on this micro-season. As if I truly give a crap about the virus anymore? I am well aware of what is right and wrong. It does not matter if you live in the "Sticks" Lake, the same rules should be evenly applied. My ONLY concerns are

1. Too damn cold for football & it is not a winter/spring sport. Who wants to go? I have never missed a YSu season & I am begging for this one to go away..
2. There are going to be injuries in this season, just like any other. Just what kind of shape do you think any team will be in, come July, after the previous season ended just a month earlier? NDSU will we be the best team in the league...by attrition.

Smarten up. Accept the fact that we missed the 2020-2021 season.  We all have to do the same thing so no other conference team has any advantage. I am rooting for ISU this whole season. Again this has NOTHING to do with the virus.

--- End quote ---

Too cold? Have you not been to one of our November / December home games? We play colder home games than NDSU  ;D lol.

Also.. if we skip spring season we're going to miss out on developing our very young roster. Do we want to go into Fall with 8 less games of experience than the rest of the conference? I understand the injury risk but I think the lack of reps are significant as well.

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No. That is exactly why I said that EVERYONE needs to do it.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: Kandrase on February 11, 2021, 02:47:27 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on February 11, 2021, 10:50:56 AM ---
--- Quote from: lakesbison on February 11, 2021, 10:04:23 AM ---These are 18-22 year olds in top physical shape they will be fine. quit babying this generation.  NDSU players all got Covid last June July preparing for Fall 2020 like Clemson & Alabama did.
 Why didn't YSU ISU or whomever?

Regardless.  I want YSU to have a good program,  its good for FCS!!

--- End quote ---

Wish that I had a dollar for every time in the past year I have heard the argument that the young and in shape basically have nothing to worry about. Sounds great but is a shallow argument, it is not just about the 18 - 22 year old's, the concern should be with the parents, grandparents, coaches and others that may come in contact with the 18 - 22 year old's. Not all of these folks are able to handle covid.  It is not about babying anyone, there are more important things in life than football.

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Well said.

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For your own good, turn off the propaganda box and do some research. Misinformation is much more dangerous than a lack of information. You are being manipulated and deceived so that you embrace tyranny. Research Pulitzer Prize winner Carl Bernstein’s work on CIA manipulation of the corporate media. Read about CDC corruption and conflicts of interest. Read about the CDC Swine Flu scandal in 1976.

Regarding 18 - 22 year olds, their infection fatality rate is essentially zero. Will they murder grandma if they don’t live like an obedient  prisoner? Of course not. The largest clinical trial ever done with a sample size of over 10 million participants (!) showed ZERO...ZERO.....cases of asymptomatic spread.


I’m sure this will be deleted for non-conformity with the propaganda narratives.  Regarding the Penguins, players play and winners win. Play the damn games.


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