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UIC Men's

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In his fourth season, Calhoun now has an accomplishment that he can share with Slocum: Last Place in the Horizon League. Bravo! Keep up the good work!

If you can not hit FT's, you don't deserve to win. Embarrassing.

Double ET:
I am not knowledgeable enough to comment on his coaching techniques.

However, it is a common practice, at the end of a game like this, to put into the players with experience, ability to dribble and knock down FT ( Covington, Bently, Akuchmie) with the possession of the ball. When back on defense, substitute your defensive guys back in.

With the last shot, they should be reminded to block out to prevent easy tap in. The UIC guy was all by himself at the rim.

 (I still remember the Oakland gamea few years ago, wewere up 2 with less than 1 second to go. There was no way that Oakland would have time to get the last shot off. Slocum put in the big guy (who had not played the entire game) to guard the in bound. He probably was not reminded about “no fouls”. He ran over the screen to commit the foul. Oakland made the FT to tie the game and we last it in OT.) Coaching?

So, what happened here?

when I was watching the last shot it appeared to me it was offensive goal tending. you cannot put your hands in the cylinder. he seemed like he just guided the ball into the hoop.  if he does not catch it I think it would have hit the rim.

I thought the same thing on the last shot. I guess the refs didn't want to get into that or didn't see it clearly enough to overturn the call.


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