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Wright State

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Just getting caught up with the 2 games this weekend. Friday night felt like last year and what we expected from YSU this year...played good defensive, a lot of energy and intensity- pretty much a full 40-minute effort something the team has been lacking.  I said the other day, YSU needed to keep to keep WSU in the 60s to win and just about did until their final 3.   

I expected a let down on Saturday and knew a sweep would be very difficult, but never expected a total blow out.  WSU beat YSU is every phase including coaching.  It had that feel YSU was in trouble early and once it got away from then it was over.  Saturday felt like what could have happened the way YSU has played in much of the league games. 

I said the other day the statistic for YSU's win % is amazing when Akuchie hits double figures.  He did Friday and somehow only took 1 shot on Saturday.  Myles Hunter was certainly impressive this weekend.  Have to wonder how bad DQ's ankle is. 

Was surprised Christian Bentley saw no playing time again.  Just seems very odd to me especially when DQ has been out so much this year.  He played very well on Monday against Carlow, and thought he might see some action.  I believe he was the only one that didn't play Saturday.

I'll take the split with WSU.  Would have felt a lot better if YSU didn't let the 2nd CSU game and/or losing the 2nd game to GB.  Really surprised by the fact CSU swept NKU and is 8-0 in league play.  Also really surprised GB swept Oakland- that's 3 straight for GB after starting off 0-9 and 0-5 in the league. 

Would sure like see YSU sweep Oakland to get back into this as the final 10 games are a much easier slate compared to the first 10 especially with 8 of them at home.  Just a shame it was announced no fans for the rest of the season in the league. 



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