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Bo's debut at LSU

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Not gonna get fixed.  The highlights I saw the secondary was non-existent. Receivers running untouched the whole game.  Blown coverages and no pass rush. Who is their quality control on defense? You would've thought he was out there. Oh and its on tape for all the SEC to game plan.

LSU has all of the symptoms of a coaching staff with D'Alesio-the worst DB on the field and the worst DB coach in YSU history.  Good for you Bo, I  am glad you took him.  At least he isn't here anymore.  Receivers were open everywhere.

Joe Bernastat:
Pelini did irreparable harm to the program. Set it back years. A miserable, failed experiment involving a miserable man who was an embarrassment to the program, the university and the City of Youngstown.  Whomever thought that it was a good idea to bring him aboard (and keep him) should be ashamed. What an unmitigated disaster.

Well said

IAA Fan:
I have to agree, but he had the stats, along with a run to the title game; so people were happy with him. Most people are not overly-educated in football. They look at the results. I was most-disappointed in the lack of program building under Pelini. It seemed like we were running out to fill holes far too often. I mean, you know that you are going to lose two incredible DE's. You know that your OC is perfect for this league. what the heck? Although if two people do not get along, I guess it is what it is. However, you should have enough of a football mind to go out and look at his TB's during his tenure and keep it going. I also did not like how we recruited DL's and took the leftover's for OL. We ended up keeping the same players on the O-line.


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