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YSU canceled 2020 football season

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There's not going to be any spring football.  It's going to be super hard to justify spring football after the massive uptick in cases this fall and winter and no vaccine yet.


--- Quote from: YSUinBoston on August 18, 2020, 05:26:26 PM ---There's not going to be any spring football.  It's going to be super hard to justify spring football after the ma$$ive uptick in cases this fall and winter and no vaccine yet.

--- End quote ---

Relax IAA Fan.  Boston is right on the mark.  We will restart in the fall of 2021, maybe.  Maybe limited contact sports like baseball, softball, tennis, golf in the spring.  Nothing else.

All this panic about virus is just nonsense.  I know of two who got letter that they tested positive but NEVER took a test. Heard this is common.  Never heard our robot  Governor have a news conference on that. Not sold on all these virus statistics.  We can play high school sports but not college. Yep makes whole lot of sense to me. 

"everybody says" where have i heard that before? not saying it cant happen but the probability is incredibly slim. rather, you are more likely to get a false positive OR negative due to sample quality issues or flaws in testing which, incidentally, can happen in any medical testing not done properly. this also doesnt account for the accuracy or dependability of the test being used.

so i guess, proof please and enough with this nonsense on a sports forum.

incidentally, most, if not all ohio HS seasons have been truncated in the number of games and only immediate family will be allowed to attend, with the schools determining if they will play and what other safety protocol will be in place. i guess you could argue HS sports will be easier to execute and monitor then college but rest assured that the moment a student tests positive you will see postponements or seasons ending.



IAA Fan:
Sorry guys there are several virus ticket in the non-YSU board below this one. The key is that we have a governor paying attention to HS sports, as it holds the future of so many kid's college. I have to respect that decision. The problem is that there will be no room for them when they graduate. No scholarships for anyone but the top. You need to allow both


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