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MVFC Update on Fall 2020 Season

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--- Quote from: Wick250 on August 09, 2020, 11:35:01 AM ---Akron is done, Duquesne is done, the OVC and Eastern Kentucky will surely follow.  There will be nothing in the fall.

Playing in March and April is just a dream.  There may or may not be an effective vaccine developed by the winter, but it would be impossible to mass produce and distribute it before March.  A coordinated federal response that featured harsh sanctions for those who violate social distancing standards or mask-wearing won't happen either, at least until January 20 when it would be too late to "save" spring football.

I said this months ago and I repeat it now.  As much as we will miss football, this is the best possible result for YSU.  It will give time for Phillips to evaluate his players in actual practices and prepare some type of plans based on the talent.  If we had played a full schedule this fall, it would have been an unmitigated disaster.  Remember that Tressel went 2-9 in his first year, but he inherited enough talent from Narduzzi that he led us to the IAA playoffs for the first time in his second year.  Take a look at our roster.  How many juniors and seniors do you see that you would classify as "good?"  We are placing our hopes on young kids that are untested.  The extra practice time will benefit us tremendously.

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Fair comments to make.

I saw an email exchange with Party Viverito. The MVFC is not exactly happy about the situation. The NCAA stated if 50% of the teams did not participate there would be no playoffs. Once the Big Sky dropped out they had a choice to play with no championship. The players wanted to play for a championship overwhelmingly. That's how they arrived at the spring season.

The facts state that the mortality rate is 0.3%, which is better than the H1N1 flu of 2009-2010. The 60% of deaths are 74 years and older. 21% of deaths are 65-74.  The death rate of people in the athletes are group is 0.12%. All of these numbers are improving due to better treatments etc.

The leftist academia elites that run the NCAA know better than all of you dumb mobtherf***ers on here and will mandate what is best for the dumb commoners.


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