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Ohio Governor Bans Fans from Attending Contact Sport Games

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So the mortality rate is now at 0.3% (and likely lower due to the number of cases that don't show symptoms estimated at ~50%) which is lower than the H1N1 flu.  Hospitalizations are down as well.  So what is the logic behind all of this?

Penguin Nation:
The First Amendment of the supreme law of the land:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

There are no exceptions listed, including for a virus with a low CFR (near zero actually for large segments of the population), unprecedented propaganda, and massive data fraud. This makes your tyrant governor a criminal.

In terms of tyranny...this isn’t even the beginning. 

Since I never post here...I’ll just throw this out also...stock up on freeze dried or canned food.

couple of things:

flu mortality rate is .1% per infected seasonally. 34,000 deaths/35,000,000 infected (2018-2019)

covid 19 mortality rate is 3% per infected, not .3% 160,000 deaths/4,000,000 infected (estimated as of today)

secondly, postponing the season has nothing to due with the first amendment. not by a long shot. institutions taking measures to insure public health in no way is connected to anything protected by the first amendment.

say what you want about DeWine, but he is not congress inacting any laws prohibiting you from practicing your faith or criticizing the government. again postponing the season has nothing to due with any of the freedoms protected by the first amendment. not even barely related.

if you don't like the season being postponed, the first amendment does guarantee you the right to go downtown and protest YSU.

and come to think of it, if the season isn't postponed, there would more then likely be no attendance allowed. this may have been discussed but would local broadcasting cover local games live since they usually are delay broadcasted?


--- Quote from: cjm on August 07, 2020, 09:28:57 AM ---couple of things:

flu mortality rate is .1% per infected seasonally. 34,000 deaths/35,000,000 infected (2018-2019)

covid 19 mortality rate is 3% per infected, not .3% 160,000 deaths/4,000,000 infected (estimated as of today)

secondly, postponing the season has nothing to due with the first amendment. not by a long shot. institutions taking measures to insure public health in no way is connected to anything protected by the first amendment.

say what you want about DeWine, but he is not congress inacting any laws prohibiting you from practicing your faith or criticizing the government. again postponing the season has nothing to due with any of the freedoms protected by the first amendment. not even barely related.

if you don't like the season being postponed, the first amendment does guarantee you the right to go downtown and protest YSU.

--- End quote ---

nice post


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