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Ohio Governor Bans Fans from Attending Contact Sport Games

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The YO Show:
So this isn't unexpected, but fans are now banned from contact sports events.


IAA Fan:
For me it was unexpected; but when I saw OSU modify their schedule, then it was not quite as unexpected. Honestly, I am not so sure how many games I would attend with no tailgating. It is a 3.5-hour drive for me to see a game. I have only missed a couple in my life, so I am sure I will still make the drive should this come for YSU as well.

DeWine is the biggest asshat. Doing all he can do to destroy our way of life.  When did we become such big sissys?

IAA Fan:
The modification possibility is nonsense. A season cannot be prepared in a week. YSU has no choice but to talk with the MVFC and make the call to cancel fan attendance and/or the season. I want details on scholarships and I better not see one football player behind on classes next season.

The NBA and the NHL have placed their athletes in "bubbles" and have all the teams playing at the same locations.  They might or might not get away with that.  MLB has no bubble and is starting to unravel as more teams are canceling games.  Operating college sports is simply impossible.  No bubbles.  Young people who are social creatures and will not properly distance no matter what regulations are pounded into their skulls.

What makes more sense?  Training for the season only to have it canceled after a handful of games?  Or just shutting all college sports down until the fall of 2021? 


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