Non-YSU Sports and Other > General BS

University Politics

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As a YSU Alumni and former student athlete its clear that if I don't agree with you I am wrong.  You are what is wrong with our education system.  Block me if you want!

And one other thing before I leave.  It took a football coach to turn around the university.  Including academics, philanthropy, staff recruitment and a whole lot of other things.  As you people bi*tch cry and complain if you don't get more $$$ and less work.   

The faculty acts as if the primary purpose of the university is education rather than entertaining the community with athletic programs.

The Library for Economics and Liberty (econlib) is a very controversial ultra right wing think tank isn't it? Just asking.

College is all about learning and needs to include all views, liberal and conservative. It is not the job of a teacher to try and get their students to think and behave as they think and behave. Rather they should expose the student to all views so that the student can intelligently understand the differences and choose their own path.

We should be afraid when one side try's to suppress the opportunity for a student to see the "other side". Sadly we have recently seen too many cases where colleges block one of these views from being on their campus. This is not healthy for a society.


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