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We have plenty of Division III players on scholarship. The coach needs to let them know they're not in our future plans and pull the scholarships.

Report: Big 10 votes to can fall football season

According to Dan Patrick, the Big 10 Presidents have voted 12-2 in favor of postponing the fall football season

by: Josh Frketic

Posted: Aug 10, 2020 / 11:13 AM EDT / Updated: Aug 10, 2020 / 11:17 AM EDT

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (WKBN) – According to Dan Patrick, the Big 10 Presidents have voted 12-2 in favor of cancelling the fall football season.

Nebraska and Iowa were the two schools that were still in favor of having a season.

Multiple reports said on Sunday that the Power 5 conferences are in advanced talks to move football to the spring.

The Mid-American Conference was the first FBS conference to move fall sports to the spring.

Late last week, the Big 10 told teams to stay in the acclimatization period until further notice, which means players must stay in helmets only during practice.

Almost seems like money is driving the thinking process.

Schools and divisions that are not big money makers seem to have had an easier time deciding to cancel fall sports. Yet the decision to cancel is a bit harder for the schools and leagues that bring in the big bucks.


go guins:

--- Quote from: guinpen on August 11, 2020, 12:58:51 PM ---Almost seems like money is driving the thinking process.

Schools and divisions that are not big money makers seem to have had an easier time deciding to cancel fall sports. Yet the decision to cancel is a bit harder for the schools and leagues that bring in the big bucks.


--- End quote ---
So that is why the Big10 cancelled before the MVFC?  Your argument makes logical sense but doesn't follow what's actually happened.

The reason the MVFC cancelled is because the NCAA said that if a certain percentage of schools cancelled their seasons there would not be a playoff. First the pussified Ivy League cancelled, then the NEC, Pioneer League etc. When the Big Fluffy Sky finally cancelled championships were not going to be held. The MVFC asked the athletes at the schools in the conference if they wanted to play the season without a championship.  The athletes said hell no, we want a championship.  The MVFC said the best chance for that to happen is if the season is moved to the spring.

Let's be rational here. There will likely be no spring football. Players need the off-season to heal from injuries.  This time will be shortened. The schedule will have to be completely re-tooled because the playoffs take up several weeks plus the regular season. They would have to have the championship by April 1st to give them 3 months off before reporting to fall camp a$$uming that would be July 1.  That means they would have to start the season January 1, and  finish with playoffs April 1st. That's like an 8 game season with no bye weeks or money games before the championship start. It is possible that there would be multiple conference co-champions.

The worst part is that the athletes would not have much time to rest and recover between the seasons.  Injuries with 6-12 month recovery periods would prevent a player from playing in the fall. The risk for more serious injury would also likely be higher in the fall due to shortened recovery times.

The only way for spring to work would be to also move and shorten the fall season as well.

People are stupid and do not make decisions based in facts. The mortality rate of this disease is now down below the H1N1 rates and declining. Hospitalizations nationwide are around 1,200 people. The doctors have treatments for people and are saving people with comorbidities.  The elderly over 74 are still at the highest risk. From a statistical standpoint this disease is really an age related disease. Yes, there are people the die at younger ages, but that can be said with all diseases. The kids that are playing sports are at very low risk of death. They want to play and the fans want to see them play.  People should be given the decision to both participate and attend the games. If you feel you need to stay home, then so be it, but the decision making by the NCAA to take away the championship is total bullsh** and is unacceptable. 

What really burns me up is that the people making the decisions are making them because they know what is best for you. Leftists want to control outcomes at the expense of the rights of the individual and this is a perfect example of this repeated pattern throughout history.  Many of the academic people at the President level whom are making these decisions are Confucius disciples.  As a result they rarely rely on making decisions based on reasoned argument, but rather ethical ideals that are conveyed through allusion, innuendo, and tautology.  It is essentially a form of group-think among them. I just call it Marxist because their decisions essentially manifest the same way as they would in Marxist societies- the ruling cla$$ controls what happens and you don't  get to make any decisions because that freedom is taken from your control. 

If the spring season is played it will f*** up 2 seasons. I say play now or skip this season and start over next year. Our ancestors that went through the Spanish flu of 1918 would probably see people today as soft pussified cowards. They dealt with a disease that had a higher mortality rate and went on with their lives, which included attending games with masks.  I know that you could argue that the effects of WW1 and the governments response would have made it that way back then due to WW1 implications of disseminating information. However in current times,  if a Democrat was up for re-election with this disease and a mortality rate below the Spanish flu it would not be a front and center and would be justified using the current mortality and hospitalization rates that are now below the levels of benchmark plagues


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