YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

2020 Football Season

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The WFMJ twitter site has a picture of the "correct" new turf that has just been installed.  The color difference is subtle and looks, to me at least, vastly superior. 

IAA Fan:
Any season tickets envelopes arrive? Get ready for a huge battle, as you know the media will push for football cancellation in order to sway the national election.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on June 29, 2020, 10:58:01 PM ---The WFMJ twitter site has a picture of the "correct" new turf that has just been installed.  The color difference is subtle and looks, to me at least, vastly superior.

--- End quote ---
I acknowledge I am among the world's lamest social media guys, that being said, I can't find a picture of the YSU field on WFMJ twitter anywhere!  FOUND IT!  Looks like crap, but win baby, win and we won't notice!

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on June 30, 2020, 08:52:27 AM ---Any season tickets envelopes arrive? Get ready for a huge battle, as you know the media will push for football cancellation in order to sway the national election.

--- End quote ---
My buckeye friend told me last night, he's sent in his $1,700 and they cashed his check and haven't said a word about whether or not there will be a game, of if there is, can he go?  (I pay something less that $1,700 for Penguin club and seats!)  That being said, IMO no news from YSU is bad news.

IAA Fan,

My ticket renewal letter arrived today.  The deadline for payment is August 12, and I am going to wait near that date to renew.  FCS football without fans: unlikely.  FCS football with fans: very unlikely.


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