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Old Highlights

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go guins:

--- Quote from: guinpen on May 20, 2020, 09:55:26 AM ---They were great times for one simple reason - head coach.

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Plain and simply, JT was the MAN!  Cool, calm, collected, under control and in control. I remember like it was yesterday, going to halftime against Western Ill. down 7 and saying to my brother, "well, we've got this one, Tressel behind only a TD at half, we'll win, guaranteed"  (and we did)


--- Quote from: go guins on May 20, 2020, 12:12:31 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on May 20, 2020, 09:55:26 AM ---They were great times for one simple reason - head coach.

--- End quote ---
Plain and simply, JT was the MAN!  Cool, calm, collected, under control and in control. I remember like it was yesterday, going to halftime against Western Ill. down 7 and saying to my brother, "well, we've got this one, Tressel behind only a TD at half, we'll win, guaranteed"  (and we did)

--- End quote ---

All correct. He understood football and he understood people.

go guins:

--- Quote ---All correct. He understood football and he understood people.

--- End quote ---
You couldn't be more on point!  He still does.  I am really happy with what DP has said and done so far (whiich frankly is not much, and NOT his fault.  Hiring was after most recruiting and now this damn virus!)  But if JT took over this team right, we'd make the playoffs this year and play for the national championship withing 3 years. I have absolutely no doubt.  I am cautiously optimistic DP will do the same, but I have that much faith in JT.


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