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Old Highlights

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Penguin Nick:
I was at that game too, best atmosphere I ever saw.  I yearn for those 90's teams/days.  Unbelievable how good they were.  A revolving door of really good quarterbacks, insane defenses, and running backs with speed...Sean was amazing.  How did he not play in the NFL?  Look at the crowd size.  Makes you appreciate what you once had.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on May 19, 2020, 09:08:56 AM ---I was at that game too, best atmosphere I ever saw.  I yearn for those 90's teams/days.  Unbelievable how good they were.  A revolving door of really good quarterbacks, insane defenses, and running backs with speed...Sean was amazing.  How did he not play in the NFL?  Look at the crowd size.  Makes you appreciate what you once had.

--- End quote ---
Revolving door of really good QB's? they were OK.  insane D's? they were OK, Speed? Tamron was our best and he wasn't that fast.  What we had was the BEST COACH!!  Players came and went, the whole thing was the COACH!  And the SOB is a doing more for YSU as President than he did as a coach! 
Watch ALL these highlights posted on this thread.  The same cool, calm, collected guy in control of every detail every game, every play.  Bo got so sweep up in complaining, I'm not certain he knew what down it was sometimes.  That's why he is a good coordinator, somebody else is paying attention to the game!
I watched us play for 6 national championships under JT, and 3 more in Columbus, We won 5 of those games and I though we had the best team on the field in exactly 1 of those games.  We won 5 because we had the best coach.  (1994 in case anybody is curious)


--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on May 19, 2020, 09:08:56 AM ---I was at that game too, best atmosphere I ever saw.  I yearn for those 90's teams/days.  Unbelievable how good they were.  A revolving door of really good quarterbacks, insane defenses, and running backs with speed...Sean was amazing.  How did he not play in the NFL?  Look at the crowd size.  Makes you appreciate what you once had.

--- End quote ---

"Insane defenses."  An excellent description of the force that propelled us to four titles in the 90s.  They were not great because they had NFL caliber individuals.  They were great because they played together as a unit, followed the game plans to perfection, and made very few mistakes.  Over sixteen quarters in our four title game triumphs, the defense surrendered only FOUR touchdowns.  And one of those came after Boise State intercepted a pass and returned it inside our ten. Over those sixteen quarters, they shut out our opponents completely ten times (discounting the intentional safety late in the 1993 Marshall game for which the defense was not responsible.)  And Marshall, Boise State, and, to a lesser extent, McNeese State had prolific offenses.

They were complete teams, good on offense, defense special teams and coaching.  When one area was not doing well other parts of the team picked up the slack. 

They were great times for one simple reason - head coach.


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