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Ysu memorable games, best play, best player off-Def, best player we faced?

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Doing something different:

All-time best player offense-defense-special teams?
Best game you witnessed?
All time greatest play?
Best road venue you attended?
Worst venue attended?
Best player we faced?
Best Radio team? 
MAC, OVC, or stay where we at?
List one thing you as an AD would do other then wins to improve the football program?

 YSUGO good job, needed this with all the boredom in my life.

1. I think 1994 was our best overall team.  I would take that team on all levels, Shawn Patton was such a talented running back.
2. Best game is tough, 1991 miracle win over Villanova in round 1 of the playoffs, it was the beginning of the dynasty.
3. Herb Williams catch in 1991 playoff win over Villanova, it was a 4th down play and if he doesn't make that reception, game over.
4. Marshall, the stadium and atmosphere in 1992 and 1993.
5. Western Illinois, not even close.
6. Steve McNair.
7. Hannon and Muransky, good chemistry together.
8. In a perfect world the MAC, but we don't have the money.  Would be best for all sports.
9. The way we market our programs, right now it is pathetic and there is no creativity and innovation. 

Double ET:
Doing something different:

All-time best player offense-defense-special teams? Offense - Jaworsky, defense - Rivers, sp. team - Wilkins
Best game you witnessed? Playoff win against Villanova
All time greatest play? Herb Williams 4fh down catch against & subsequent winning field goal by Wilkins
Best road venue you attended? Pittsburgh
Worst venue attended? Lost to Butler
Best player we faced? Air McNair
Best Radio team? 
MAC, OVC, or stay where we at? MAC if and when they drop down to IAA
List one thing you as an AD would do other then wins to improve the football program? New marketing and e tickets available from online.

Best players: Ron Jaworski, Leon Jones, Paul McFadden
Best game: 1991 championship v. Marshall in Georgia; the first one is always the best.
Greatest play: 1991 Williams' catch.  That changed our entire football history.
Best road venue: Marshall
Worst road venue: Akron's Rubber Bowl, crumbling seats and poles like the old Cleveland stadium
Best opponent player: McNair
Radio team: I'm thankful all the road games are televised so I don't have to listen to Hannon.
Conference: MVFC, you don't run away from the best, you become the best.
What must be done: expecting incompetent people to suddenly produce is absurd; clean house and hire real marketing talent.

Best players:   Ron Jaworski, Cliff Stoudt, Tamron Smith
Best game:     !st Alcorn St (Air McNair) super exciting game - 2nd Marshall 1991 championship game
All time Best play: Williams catch vs Marshall 1991 for championship
Best road venue: Penn St., Pittsburgh
Worst road venue: Akron
Best opponent player: Steve McNair 1994 - he supposedly had a injured leg, but passed for over 500 yards.
Best radio team: Don Garner
Conference: MVFC but would rather have us in the MAC - I know, money is the draw back
What must be done? Must do a much better job of recruiting and find coaches to shapen the players game.


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