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YSU Men Basketball to host in CIT/Coach Calhoun

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--- Quote from: DefendYoungstown on March 12, 2020, 07:20:04 PM ---Every medical expert in the world has acknowledged the severity of this crisis.

It has been officially declared a pandemic.

The President gave a special speech last night to address the issue and is preparing an epic economic and public health response.

The Governor of every state is locking down all major public gatherings.

All major festivals, events and meetings have been cancelled.

Entire professional sports franchises has ceased operations.

But the YSU Forum regulars are not fooled!

They know it's all just a hoax and a conspiracy by the left and the fake liberal media.

The ignorance is astounding.

Please stick to sports.

This forum has lost enough followers.

--- End quote ---

The corona virus is a common cold virus. this one simply has a higher kill rate, mainly to the elderly.  This isn't the pandemic of 1918.  This is worse than the flu kill rate of 0.1% and appears to be about 0.7% based in extensive testing in S. Korea. They do not actually know how long it has been seeded in the US.  The virus was being spread in October of last year.  I've in a port city on the East Coast that gets aot of ships from China.  We had a virus come through in January that wasn't the flu but kicked everyone's a$$.  It was an upper respiratory infection with a dry cough and fever. I ended up on antibiotics and finished them almost a month ago and still recovering from a viral cough. My parents were here visiting and it knocked them down for a month.  It was extremely contagious.  The local doctors aren't sure if it was covid because they didn't have tests for it but thinking it could very well have been here. Transferred from ships crew to local port workers.

My brother is a physician.  Guess where he is right now? On a cruise. Why? Because the virus is a common cold just a more viruliant strain.  The news loves this sh** because they get ratings.  Certain people have specific protein receptors that make them more vulnerable to severe respiratory infection from this specific virus.  Most elderly, including my parents are more susceptible (mother couldn't get out of bed for several days and dehydrated). 

The reason why these actions are being taken are because they are trying to keep the case rate increase below the capacity of the health care system.  What that means is people are panicked and buying toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Ridiculous.  The facts are you should always take precautions as you would normally but this reaction is insane.

Let's compare the H1N1 flu that lasted from April 2009-April 2010. 
1.  60.8 million Americans contracted it
2.  >274,000 Americans hospitalized
3.  12,469 people died.

worldwide ~575,000 people died from it in a single year

There was no panic. There were no travel restrictions.  Obama declared a state of emergency after 1000 Americans died in October 2009. 

In October 2009 there were 90 deaths in one week and the government didn't have the vaccinations ready (of course because it is government and they suck a$$ too)

This is ******* stupid. This is an election year and the news wants to see how bad they can f*** up the stock market to get Trump out of office.  Due to social pressures no one can say it is an insane response or your would be deemed unethical.  The news is stupid and someone is making money off of it.  The moral agents are steering the cattle like a border collie works his sheep.


--- Quote from: DefendYoungstown on March 12, 2020, 07:20:04 PM ---Every medical expert in the world has acknowledged the severity of this crisis.

It has been officially declared a pandemic.

The President gave a special speech last night to address the issue and is preparing an epic economic and public health response.

The Governor of every state is locking down all major public gatherings.

All major festivals, events and meetings have been cancelled.

Entire professional sports franchises has ceased operations.

But the YSU Forum regulars are not fooled!

They know it's all just a hoax and a conspiracy by the left and the fake liberal media.

The ignorance is astounding.

Please stick to sports.

This forum has lost enough followers.

--- End quote ---

Not one post mentioned the word left or liberal.   I'd like to stick to sports but they're all cancelled.


--- Quote from: go guins on March 12, 2020, 08:18:22 AM ---
--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on March 11, 2020, 06:00:07 PM ---It's a bunch of BS.  Statistically in the USA you have a 30 times chance of dying from a lighting strike than this new virus.   Everyone sits on  their a$$ at home and listens to the fake news media who push this hype and panic and play the phony role of protecting the masses.   Ebola,sars,hetro-sexual aids.  I've heard them all.

Play basketball!!!

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Joe Bernastat:

--- Quote from: DefendYoungstown on March 12, 2020, 07:20:04 PM ---Every medical expert in the world has acknowledged the severity of this crisis.

It has been officially declared a pandemic.

The President gave a special speech last night to address the issue and is preparing an epic economic and public health response.

The Governor of every state is locking down all major public gatherings.

All major festivals, events and meetings have been cancelled.

Entire professional sports franchises has ceased operations.

But the YSU Forum regulars are not fooled!

They know it's all just a hoax and a conspiracy by the left and the fake liberal media.

The ignorance is astounding.

Please stick to sports.

This forum has lost enough followers.

--- End quote ---

Never cared for this holier-than-thou clown. Always thought he was a phony and full of himself. Defend Youngstown. Pssssshhhhh.  Stay away.

IAA Fan:
It is a great point to stay on sports though. I added a general board for other topics. No one really uses it though.


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