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YSU Men Basketball to host in CIT/Coach Calhoun

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It's a bunch of BS.  Statistically in the USA you have a 30 times chance of dying from a lighting strike than this new virus.   Everyone sits on  their ass at home and listens to the fake news media who push this hype and panic and play the phony role of protecting the masses.   Ebola,sars,hetro-sexual aids.  I've heard them all.

Play basketball!!!

I believe the media has blown this totally out of proportion. Now the NCAA tournament will have no fans . millions of dollars will be lost. Better chance of hitting the lottery then Contracting the virus.

A medical doctor told me today that this has the potential to be the worst outbreak of disease in the United States since the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1919.  That disaster inflicted millions and killed over 500,000 Americans.  Of course, modern medicine is much more advanced and we have antibiotics today to treat complications.  But we have absolutely no protection from this virus.  This doctor believes that unprecedented drastic measures are necessary to prevent widespread suffering in this country. 

go guins:

--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on March 11, 2020, 06:00:07 PM ---It's a bunch of BS.  Statistically in the USA you have a 30 times chance of dying from a lighting strike than this new virus.   Everyone sits on  their a$$ at home and listens to the fake news media who push this hype and panic and play the phony role of protecting the masses.   Ebola,sars,hetro-sexual aids.  I've heard them all.

Play basketball!!!

--- End quote ---

   NBA players are testing positive, and you guys are worried about basketball games.  Especially meaningless CBI and CIT games.   The NCAA Tournament will cancel, likely this weekend.  How can you put people on plans and in arena's to play basketball games.



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