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WOW the irony

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go guins:

--- Quote from: DefendYoungstown on March 10, 2020, 10:27:19 PM ---Scalzo wrote this article 7 years ago and the argument continues to this day.


I'll take basketball 100%.

1. Good coaches, program on the rise.
2. Better regional rivalries (even non-conference games).
3. More games to watch.
4. Better chance for raising the athletic profile of the school if successful.

There's few things more exciting (athletically) at YSU than a close game with a raucous crowd at Beeghly with less than 2 minutes to go.

Yep, basketball. 100%.

First things first: let's get rid of those super embarrassing 1970s wooden high school bleachers and act like we take the program(s) seriously.

--- End quote ---
BB seating NEEDS to be improved, no doubt.  But let's not get to carried away, and give up on FB because you had (had, as in past tense) a jerk for a coach.  History would say that attendance for MBB is less than 1/2 that of FB and prices are more for FB as well, so from a revenue standpoint, FB will always be #1.  Plus the Mahoning Valley is a much more a football than basketball area.  I love Coach Calhoun as much as anybody, but he will be here 2-3 years and then we are back looking for the next Tressel.......sorry next Calhoun.  Not that easy to do, as the Tressel replacement hasn't been easy!  Let's give Coach Phillips a chance.  I can see playoffs and 18,000 crowds in our future!   BTW, Men's BB attendance this season 39,805 FB attendance 84,147

  There is no way there were more than 84 thousand fans at football games, that is a joke.  The Western Illinois game and Illinois State easily less than 1000 fans.

 We are a football town though, but shrinking population, and the younger people in general don't come to YSU games.  They prefer to stay home and watch big time FBS football.  Not sure we ever consistently drew more than 15 thousand fans.  September games, even against bad teams draw better, probably because of the better weather conditions are more appealing to be outside.

 I remember playoff games with well less than 10 thousand fans. 

go guins:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on March 11, 2020, 10:52:13 AM ---  There is no way there were more than 84 thousand fans at football games, that is a joke.  The Western Illinois game and Illinois State easily less than 1000 fans.

 We are a football town though, but shrinking population, and the younger people in general don't come to YSU games.  They prefer to stay home and watch big time FBS football.  Not sure we ever consistently drew more than 15 thousand fans.  September games, even against bad teams draw better, probably because of the better weather conditions are more appealing to be outside.

 I remember playoff games with well less than 10 thousand fans.

--- End quote ---
I knew when I was pasting in the number somebody would go off on it being wrong.  1st, it is a "paste" from the YSU website, not my number.  2nd I don't think it was a count of fans but a total of paid tickets.  3 the same people are responsible for both numbers, they are BOTH pasted from the same YSU website, so i think they are a fair comparison.  4th your guess of significantly less than 1000 fans for the games in question is almost certainly wrong.  Guessing at a 1000 when you are seeing 20,000 empty seats is a very inexact science.  If you had the SAME crowd at a basketball game you'd think it was pretty good attendance, probably above average.  I missed the Western game, but I would have guessed around 5,000 of the ISU game.   


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