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WOW the irony

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go guins:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on March 06, 2020, 09:21:46 AM ---   Chief gets ripped for being objective and stating his opinion.  Actually much of what he says is fact.  The current state of the football program is irrelevant.  In general, FCS football is irrelevant.

 We have been average at best for two decades, and now a 52 year old coach who was no more than a running backs coach at Cincinnati is the savior?  With a coaching staff that has little or no experience at this level.  I get he is doing all the right things in the community, that means little if he can't win.  Had Bo produced a perennial playoff team then it wouldn't have mattered that he is a bully and did no community outreach.

 Basketball is the rising star program.  The concern would be that Wright State and Northern KY invest a lot more money in basketball than YSU and have much better facillities.  That is hard to overcome, but we do have a great young coach in Calhoun.

 I don't want to beat on Waid, but the post that he played well against North Dakota State is laughable.  He came  in when we were down by 40, and faced their JV team.

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You guys tell me all the time that NDSU's second team is better than ours, so which is it?  I take it you think we were better off with Mays than we are with Waid?   If you think Mays was better then we better agree to disagree.  (and I'll put you on my go-fund-me list to buy you tickets so you can actually go see the games. 

Penguin Nick:
YSU needs to invest in basketball, men's hoops have the potential to bring in lots of cash and notoriety.  I really believe that men's basketball is going in the right direction and im very excited for next year.  Beeghly needs some serious love if YSU wants to be really good in hoops.


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on March 06, 2020, 08:54:48 AM ---
--- Quote from: ysubigred on March 06, 2020, 07:48:28 AM ---
--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on March 06, 2020, 07:03:22 AM ---Football is a loser, especially in FCS. Nobody cares anymore. The 90's are gone.

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Nice Troll,, MBB sucks, always has, and always will. Lost in round 2 to a team that Larry, Moe, Curly, Stevie Wonder and Stephen Hawking (RIP) could have given a better game,, Just sayin  fb

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And YSU had a home football playoff game and had 6,000 people. I love football but the interest is gone.

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The interest is gone partly because of the team's performance and partly because people have been conditioned to get things for free. Who's been to a game where people openly ask for free tickets in the tailgate lot? When there is zero financial commitment there is zero interest. 

There are still enough people to fill the stadium and there have been several years the football team deserved it, but the mental retardation in our area is high when it comes to understanding quality football, so a Mooney Vs Ursuline game will ALWAYS fill the stands because all of the Uncle Rico's have to re-live their glory days.

Most of the people in the area are also uneducated and they don't have any loyalty to the local university. As a matter of fact, I bet you that if you polled people in the Youngstown area, they would think YSU is a community college.  I can only come up with 3 reasons why they would send their kids to Can't State or to the Zits: 1.They think YSU's level of sports is lower and they have a better chance of being noticed, which is a bad assumption.  2.  Their kid is stupid and has to get a liberal arts degree because they can't handle the rigor of the more technical majors offered at YSU, or 3. Parents are uneducated themselves and support that their kid wants to major in Feminine Literature, which is a degree everyone is looking to hire right out of college.

Maybe the free tickets from the Youngstown Pride games back in the 80's trained the fanbase like a Pavlov experiment, but at the end of the day ZERO financial commitment gets you zero people  in the stands.  Look at Nebraska, they sell out no matter how bad the team is.  Don't even say there is nothing to do in Nebraska, because there is also nothing to do in Youngstown.  Bottom line is that there are too many Uncle Rico's and it will be difficult to attract them unless you are winning consistently and then they would still be clueless about the level of football being played.

The older people that filled the stands and understood what all of it was about are either in elderly homes or dead.  There are very few left. 


--- Quote from: Penguin Nick on March 06, 2020, 11:34:19 AM ---YSU needs to invest in basketball, men's hoops have the potential to bring in lots of cash and notoriety.  I really believe that men's basketball is going in the right direction and im very excited for next year.  Beeghly needs some serious love if YSU wants to be really good in hoops.

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Unfortunately, I think you are correct. They are going to punt on the FB program because it is high cost and Strollo only knows numbers. FB numbers don't make sense because it is a perennial loser so he added some more sports like Bowling and competitive basket weaving (or something like that) a few more AD's and shifted the focus to a rising basketball program. All he needs to have happen is to get to the tournament once, and he can point to it as the success needed to openly tell everyone the focus has shifted to BB for financial reasons.

How about hiring a better coach and someone in marketing that knows how to get the uncle Rico's in the stands? Nope. let's hire Wolford and Pelini. 

I think Phillps will be pretty good.  We will be like Woffard college where they are perennially good but never win a NC. We need to give him a chance, but the track record sucks pretty awful.

Scalzo wrote this article 7 years ago and the argument continues to this day.


I'll take basketball 100%.

1. Good coaches, program on the rise.
2. Better regional rivalries (even non-conference games).
3. More games to watch.
4. Better chance for raising the athletic profile of the school if successful.

There's few things more exciting (athletically) at YSU than a close game with a raucous crowd at Beeghly with less than 2 minutes to go.

Yep, basketball. 100%.

First things first: let's get rid of those super embarrassing 1970s wooden high school bleachers and act like we take the program(s) seriously.


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