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Assistant Coaches

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Devon Spalding is the new RB coach. Was a grad assistant last year at Cincy. Just graduated from Central Michigan in 2018 where he played RB and WR.

go guins:
Website updated with Carl and Crist gone and Schaefer and Rothenbuhler listed, but they don't even have photos of them.  This entire search process to me, seems have a very Laissez-faire feel to it.  You'd think somebody would have a couple YSU shirts in the trunk and a iPhone with a pretty good camera and grab us a pic for the website at least?   Whatever, they don't seem to be in any rush, even though spring ball will be hear before you know it!


--- Quote from: go guins on February 27, 2020, 03:57:52 PM ---Website updated with Carl and Crist gone and Schaefer and Rothenbuhler listed, but they don't even have photos of them.  This entire search process to me, seems have a very Laissez-faire feel to it.  You'd think somebody would have a couple YSU shirts in the trunk and a iPhone with a pretty good camera and grab us a pic for the website at least?   Whatever, they don't seem to be in any rush, even though spring ball will be hear before you know it!

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Their pictures will and info will be up soon. The whole website needs a refresh though. Lots of pictures and info outdated. Stambaugh doesn't have a picture with the east side press box up, the beeghly center picture may be one of the worst I've ever seen. That's your main page to showcase your athletic venues and it's embarrassing.

go guins:

--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on February 27, 2020, 05:33:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on February 27, 2020, 03:57:52 PM ---Website updated with Carl and Crist gone and Schaefer and Rothenbuhler listed, but they don't even have photos of them.  This entire search process to me, seems have a very Laissez-faire feel to it.  You'd think somebody would have a couple YSU shirts in the trunk and a iPhone with a pretty good camera and grab us a pic for the website at least?   Whatever, they don't seem to be in any rush, even though spring ball will be hear before you know it!

--- End quote ---

Their pictures will and info will be up soon. The whole website needs a refresh though. Lots of pictures and info outdated. Stambaugh doesn't have a picture with the east side press box up, the beeghly center picture may be one of the worst I've ever seen. That's your main page to showcase your athletic venues and it's embarrassing.

--- End quote ---
They do have info on a couple of the guys, but many listed here aren't on the site.  The Stambaugh shots are, some of them, MANY years old.  This is a fully accredited university isn't it?  With photo journalism majors? Computer tech majors? Web design students? Marketing majors?   Seems to me we have deteriorated to the level of many universities that don't teach anything about real life skills only the theoretical.  You'd think somebody would want real life experience?  I'll even bet $2 (my max bet) that some of our students have drones with cameras!  Whatever.  What matters in the end is can they coach, and me recognizing them isn't going to help that.

Austin Bujnoch is coming as an assistant OL coach.

Justin Cummings-Morrow is the new director of football operations. Held that job at Iowa State the last 2 years.

Derek Van Blarcom is assistant S&C coach.

Bryan Nardo will be LB's coach and Sean Baker has moved to Special Teams.


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