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Detroit Mercy Game

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Penguins win on the road

The Houner leading YSU to a big victory on the road! Still in 3rd place with 15 wins already!

This game kind of reminded me of the first game with Detroit...YSU got up big and controlled the game, but Detroit came back.  I was starting to have flashbacks of the UIC game and blowing that big lead in the final mins.  Davis is just so hard to contain and so dangerous when he gets going.  He single-handedly got them back in the game. 

Thought YSU played well offensively and shot the ball well.  It was to give up over 70, get out-rebounded and win.  Thought Covington and Hamperian were tremendous.  Quisenberry closed it out again at the foul line.  2 game changing plays I felt was the missed dunk by Detroit and the move Hamperian made to get out of trouble and convert the old fashioned 3-pt play that was initial called a charge.

Seemed like the officials really let them play...wasn't a lot of whistles but it was called equal on both sides.  In fact, both teams had 12 fouls total. 

Double ET:
Almost gave away a double digit lead with little over 2 min in the game.
In that sequence, gave up a 3 ball, a turn over by Q and a 4 point play had us down to a 2 point lead.
Q saved us on 4 straight FT.
Covington was tremendous (good defense, driving penetration to the hoop and back cut to getting open under the basket.
The guard from Detroit reminds me of Curry of GS.great player.

go guins:
It's encouraging to see some of these down the stretch games turn into W's instead of L's.  The last home game against CSU had some anxious moments, but DQ hit a couple drives and then 4 straight FT.  I HATE giving away games at the foul line.  Nice to win a couple!!  Nice to have a PG that can draw, and then MAKE FTs!


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