YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Cleveland State Game

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go guins:

--- Quote from: mudclods on February 10, 2020, 11:25:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on February 10, 2020, 09:27:55 AM ---That number 10 for CSU was the best on-ball defender against DQ I've ever seen.  Without some outside shooting from Simmons this could have been different, but we hit some open 3's and MADE SOME DAMN FOUL SHOTS DOWN THE STRETCH!  That was really good to see.  If we played like the second half against CSU all the tme, we'd be #1 in the Horizon.  Coach C is developing a solid program.  We all want it to come faster, but it IS coming.

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It's definitely coming.  Last year they were able to win 4 more games than year one and that 6 game league win streak was great, but they didn't finish the year well.  This year they already had a winning non-conference record, already have 2 more wins than last year with at least 7 to go.  The rest of the year is going to be interesting with 4 road games and 2 home games against the top 2 in the league.  Hopefully YSU can win a few more then see what happens in the tournament.

--- End quote ---
I hope we have the same patience with Coach Phillips, which frankly doesn't seem likely.  We at least gave Coach Calhoun a couple years.  The posters here were ATTACKING him before he was even introduced!  I can't believe some of these guys.  Oh well, it's up to the team to prove them wrong.


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