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Doug Phillips

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--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on February 09, 2020, 08:11:14 AM ---https://jcusports.com/sports/football/roster/coaches/joe-schaefer/1426 Some information on D.C.

--- End quote ---

Looks like he worked with Phillips when they were both  at Iowa State. I like this pick, as someone who follows d3 I saw  JCU’s defense in person a few times and they had were really good for that level, saw them give Mount Union some difficulty a few times, with a really good dline.

On paper, it looks like Schaefer is a good selection within our price range.  Experience as a very successful  high school coach at an important program, D3 coordinator, and exposure to FBS football.  Also remember that at Iowa State he had the opportunity to learn defensive principles from Jon Heacock. 

Clearly, the university is making a clean break from the Pelinis. Peterson was a Tressel guy.  I assume that Phillips wants him and that he was not forced to retain him. Peterson is addressing the Curbstone Coaches organization tomorrow.  That could be interesting.

Troy Rothenbuhler is the new OC

https://ekusports.com/sports/football/roster/coaches/troy-rothenbuhler/1194 Information on the offensive coordinator..as Wick pointed out earlier there are definitely connections here..I felt there was a reason Peterson was retained

Excited for the energy that Coach Phillips is bringing to the program.  It's time for us to all get behind him and show our support!


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