YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Doug Phillips

<< < (5/17) > >>

So attendance is way down.  Interest is dropping to about the level of basketball.  And this nonentity is going to be the charismatic leader that returns the program to national prominence?  This "hire" will generate about as much community enthusiasm as the selection of a new soccer or volleyball coach.

He'll last 3 years and D'Alesio will be next head coach.  Mark my words!

OMG. I listened to an interview with this guy from UC recruiting and I couldnt believe what I was watching. 

Also' it appears that Tom Phillips from Stow may be his brother.  We may have a high school coach on staff after all.

We all knew we can only afford to pay 15 assistant athletic directors and add more costs through bowling and some other sport I don't remember and will never watch........so what did you all expect?

With D'Alesio as a key defensive coach, all I can say is if you think we would make a splash hire you were wrong. There is no money and the money that exists has even greater influence on the outcome.  Blame the state of affairs on Strollo not holding people accountable, hiring too many AD's and using the money that SHOULD be used in the only sport that matters on other bulsh!t that nobody cares about.

Now we are in a high stakes gambling game with a bad hand, but still have a chance.

There are many ways to look at this hire as bad.  I've seen many of the remarks. No experience, no HC experience, worked as a principal, a local guy etc.  I get it and I agree.

But I challenge everyone to take a little different view on this. The guy should know what winning looks like. He's been a part of a lot of winning teams as a coach (player?).  Secondly, it takes a certain level of sophistication to be a principal/superintendent etc at a school.  As a HC, that is a very important aspect that could be used to deliver success. It is also the same type of sophistication that made Tressel a better FB coach and gives him the capability to run a University as president. I see some parallels there. It so appears that the guy either likes co as coaching or the money associated with coaching because he left his admin job to get into a job that is a grind. He also knows the area and the people in the area.

It is a creative hire.  He may be a good hire.  I give him a punchers chance.  But how does he win without resources?


The financial constraints are self-imposed. If it was important they would find the money to compete. Keep funding at a D2 level and that what you’ll become. Most of the programs perform at that level already.


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