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The next YSU Head Football Coach

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Marrow was definitely under consideration until they started talking dollars. I think the powers above have just been rubbed the wrong way by the Pelini's so I think Carl will not be in serious consideration as stated above.

  It has been more difficult to get the names under consideration than those being eliminated.  I do know they would prefer a head coach with a successful record who has had success.  I think Curt Mallory at Indiana State is one of a few on their short list, no idea who the others would be.

I have been told that Montgomery on the B list, and not their A list because of his 17-31 record as a head coach at Miami of Ohio, including a pair of 2-10 seasons.

go guins:
Let me sum up:
Guys we want from bigger programs, already earn to much.
Any body from a smaller program we don't want because he is from too small a program.
Guys that are here we don't want.

HEADLINE NEWS, YSU to have first 1AA Foortball Program with Players Self-Coached!!

Let me tell you about hiring.  It is a complete crap shoot.  (IE. Pelini won 9 games or more every year at Nebraska in the Big10.  Playing Ohio State, Michigan, Penn State etc.  Comes to YSU and wins 9 games just once and loses to Butler)
You just don't know, but you interview the interested parties, pick the guy you think is the best for your position and move forward.  NDSU is NOT going to spot you 21 because you have a new coach. 
In college football the most important thing is NOT O, and it's NOT D, it's R      recruiting.  Bo thought by stepping down to 1AA he could skip the part of the game he liked least, he was wrong.  Going forward it as all about recruiting.  Hire the best recruiter.  If necessary, you can have the coordinates handle most of the football, but if you don't have players, you are doomed.

 I agree to the point that recruiting has to be a priority.  But, I think the head coach needs to a strong CEO type.  I think Vince Marrow would be a stretch to hire at YSU, but he is credited with the strong recruiting classes at Kentucky, then Mark Stoops comes in and closes the deal.

 Bo Pelini loved practice and gameday, didn't like much else.  Even at FCS level head coach needs to work with the media, boosters, be out in the community, engage the community where he lives.   As a head coach, there is so much more to do than coach.   Also critical is put together a great staff, and I think one could make the argument that Pelini had an an average staff at best.  I think you will see that most on his staff will struggle to get a good job.  Donald D'Alesio is going to LSU, but as a Grad Assistant.

Word is Marrow is back in town meeting with officials today and we could hear more by days end. I realize vince is a great recruiter , but we have to start earning some respect in conference play with wins. Name alone will not fix this dumpster fire Bo created


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