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The next YSU Head Football Coach

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  Fever, all indications are that Tyrrell will be the next coach.  It is a gamble regardless what direction they go.  You never know with this.  God rest Joe Malmisur's soul, but he wanted Gerry Faust in 1985, and had to settled for Jim Tressel, it worked out well.

 We are not going to get coaches from the FBS level to come here, assistants at FBS for the most part make more money than we pay as a head coach.  Eric Wolford makes 600 K as offensive line coach at South Carolina, that is more than double what we pay.

I hear he will be introduced on Saturday.


--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on February 04, 2020, 12:08:41 PM ---Let's be real..Any coach could look great at Hoban, LaSalle or Massillon with the way they recruit. For what it's worth the coaches at LaSalle and Massillon are better then Tyrrel.  Remember the time Gerry Faust  left mighty Cincinnati moeller to coach the Irish? That didn't go so well and the university looked like fools..this will be know different if they hire Tyrrel.  Certainly didn't see Tyrrel and Hoban send any recruits our way in recent memory. Hopefully Strollo and J.T. will do the right thing here and get a polished or upcoming coach that has experience from the MAC or other lower level FBS programs

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I definitely see you point, Fever, and remember the Faust fiasco very well.  One difference here is that when Tyrrell arrived at Hoban, the football program was nothing special, the weak step-brother to SVSM.  Tyrrell recruited the best players in metro Akron, then extended his reach all across northeastern Ohio.  He turned Hoban into a monster, in some years the best high school program in the state regardless of classification.  I figure if he could induce the parents of 8th graders to allow their son to commute over 40 miles to play for him at Hoban, he could persuade 12th graders to play for him at YSU.  And his recruiting would be legal. ::)

Would he be the best choice?  Perhaps given our financial constraints.  If it happens, I am going to defer to Tressel's judgment.  As I mentioned before, he does not want to retire from the presidency with the football program in shatters.

go guins:
To say that Faust failed going to an FBS major program at Notre Dame so we shouldn't hire Tyrrel is like saying since Jimmy Carter was the worst POTUS of the 20th century we should never elect another Democratic president.........well maybe not the best example, but you get my point.
You are guilty of very faulty logic.  MANY great coaches started in high school before moving to college.  Pick the right guy, you will be rewarded, pick wrong and you won't, but to hang in on Jerry Faust is silly.

Per football scoop, other candidates who have interviewed besides the ones mentioned here are Don Treadwell, Doug Phillips and Mike Sullivan.

I believe it's down to Tyrrell and Monty.

Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio stepping down after 13 seasons now available to take the JOB  :angel:


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