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Detroit MBB game

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Our zone offense was pretty bad.   Might be the worst passing I've seen. Not just talking about turnovers but on Detroit's zone the passes were not getting to the shooting pocket.
Did not think Detroit was a good team though they were athletic .  I was waiting for a YSU run that never happened.  Detroit's big man that looked like an unemployed truck driver was killing us.  Need more Jamir Thomas who did play well.

I agree with all of these comments.  You just always think once in awhile they'll control one of these Horizon League games when they are the much better team, but it just doesn't happen. Horizon League games are always tough and a lot of times ugly.  I said earlier in the season that the defensive we were playing would allow us to win a lot of these games that we would have lost in the past.  We're probably sitting at 2-3 or worse in years past.

When Akuchie missed that dunk I had flashbacks back to the Oakland game when they missed a huge dunk.   Those type of plays can change the game.  Oakland makes that dunk and they have all the momentum & probably win without a doubt.  Akuchie makes that and it might have sealed the game.  Such a momentum change.  I thought if they lose, that's what's going to stand out. 

The turnovers were concerning especially when there was some real bad ones and some that stopped what I felt were runs coming and a chance to go up bigger and take control.  There was some opportunities early on to really stretch out that lead.  Once they got it down under 6 and how the 2nd half started you just knew it was going down to the end.

I was a little disappointed in the offensive rebounds for much of the game, but boy YSU really went at it in that last possession & that won them the game. 

It was good to see Devin heat up and make shots.  Really need him down the stretch.  Bentley is impressive at times, but other games seems to turn the ball over too much and struggles shooting.  I'm surprised Foster doesn't get more mins here and there.  Thomas played a very nice game after struggling for awhile.  Need more of him, especially in a game like this.  I just can't figure out Ola.  It's like when he gets the ball he doesn't know what to do with it like he freezes up or just tries to get it out of his hands real fast.  He was wide open under the hoop that one time and I have no idea what he tried to do.  I don't understand at times why some of our big guys can't go up with 2 hands and slam it.

But like it was said a W is a W in Horizon League games as a L would have been really heartbreaking in a game like that.  If YSU can get at least one next week to go 5-2 and come back home for 5 straight against teams they can beat they will be looking pretty good to keep stacking wins.

The last 2 games have had good crowds and good atmospheres that I think lifted YSU over the top.  I really think getting more non-conference home games and going undefeated at Beeghly then playing WVU like they did really turned things around and gave fans hope.

It really seems like this is a tight-knit group that really plays together as a team.  There's lots of love for each other and not a lot of frustration shown like in years past.  Coach really has them believing and it's great to see him really embrace the team during and after the games.   

Double ET:
Article on today’s Tribune/Vindy



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