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Signing Day 2020

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Pelini's press conference is accessible via the university website.  For a bit of good news, Bo did mention that Justus Reed weighed his options and has decided to return.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on December 18, 2019, 12:34:11 PM ---Pelini's press conference is accessible via the university website.  For a bit of good news, Bo did mention that Justus Reed weighed his options and has decided to return.

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THAT is GREAT NEWS!  Our best player coming back for a senior season is WONDERFUL!   (wonder if he wants to go both ways and help out at OT too?)

At the 1:56 minute mark of the presser today, he is asked about Haeden, Bo wasn't sure who he was and had to look at his notes until he was told the last name - Gump - only local kid recruited.  Tells me a lot on how much he is involved in recruiting.  Not much...


--- Quote from: peteonastick on December 18, 2019, 04:18:52 PM ---At the 1:56 minute mark of the presser today, he is asked about Haeden, Bo wasn't sure who he was and had to look at his notes until he was told the last name - Gump - only local kid recruited.  Tells me a lot on how much he is involved in recruiting.  Not much...

--- End quote ---


The YO Show:
Yeah I got that impression from around the 1 minute mark where he said we had a plan and the coaches executed it. "I really liked what we were able to do in this recruiting class. Carl really spearheaded the effort." Guess we will find out if Carl is a good recruiter. Because it certainly seems to me this is more his class than Bo's


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