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Came out the 1st half with the intensity and effort you expect,not so much the 2nd half.  Would like to see the ball go inside more. 

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: chezmustache on December 16, 2019, 11:15:06 AM ---     I am not sure I would characterize a 15 point home win against a bad team a "Nice win."  First off, we went the final nine minutes (except at the very end) without scoring a basket.  Not a recipe for success against anyone.  Unfortunately, it is a reoccuring event with this team.  Second, the Penguins turned over the ball 16 times.  Third, YSU shot eight of 15 from the free through line.  On the other side, SEMO is a dreadful team.  Sagarin ranks them 315 out of 353 Division I basketball teams.  They proved it.  As an example, they converted three of 14 free throws. 

     This should have been a thirty point win.  There were multiple errors during the last nine minutes that reflected lack of discipline and in some instances reckless play.   

     Something is missing with this team.  The coach is likeable and achieved success earlier in his career.  The players work hard.  Effort is not an issue.  The most logical explanation is the overall talent level remains behind 70% of Division I.   

--- End quote ---


Do you think it could be the adjustment from D-II to DI? Maybe not seeing the talent-level? I mean he was a DI assistant; but it could be. You see that when coaches drop down all the time; they overestimate their team's abilities. Perhaps the opposite is also true?

Double ET:
I watched the entire game on ESPN+. I just don't think we have a "go to guy" for the 3s as in the past. The the last two were Kendrick and Cam. There were many others before them.

We now have a bunch of guys who can shoot 3s at a given night. But, we don't have one who can do it consistently every night.

I thought we were the worst FT shooting team. SeMO proved me wrong.

The big guy Smith had some good moves toward the basket. However, he would not do us too much good since he could not shoot FT.

As for that long stretch that we did not score, we had the wrong combinations out there with most of them being bench players. I think coach would have done it differently if it was a tight game.

Q is a good shooting guard with good ability to also take it to the hole. Playing point guard takes away some of the explosive part of his game.

I know a win is a win. But, SeMO was simply plain awful.

I agree with most all of the comments.  I think Coach was just trying to spread out the minutes especially during that scoring drought with 3 games in less than 6 days.  Kind of surprised Hamperian hasn't gotten any minutes of late.

I do really like how hard this team does play and I think are a really great group of kids, but like was mentioned I think we still lack talent and size when we have to face teams in the MAC and higher end schools.  The full court press was something Coach really wanted to establish.  It killed us in year one and he backed off last year, and hasn't done it much this year.  It can work at times but just not consistently as it seems to hurt more than help. 

It does concern me that Quisenberry is really the only go to guy we have when we need to score, but like was mentioned hasn't been shooting the ball well from 3's.  And his FT % is a little disappointing too. 

It's just still mind boggling to me how bad YSU has dropped in 3-PT %.  I realize the line is a little further but it doesn't seem to be affecting other schools that much.  I just compared stats and our 6 returning shooters are down between 4.3-12.2%.  Here's the differences in % from last year to this year to date: Quisenberry (32 to 27.7), Covington (34.1 to 23.8), Morgan 32.4 to 26.7), Simmons (40.2 to 29), Cathcart (35.4 to 28) & Akuckie (36.8 to 24.6). 

YSU should have stole one from Western Michigan and had an opportunity against Louisiana, but at least we're winning the games we should win.  If YSU takes care of business against Binghamton it should be deemed a pretty successful non-conference season.  Outside of Wright St and Northern Kentucky at 8-3, the rest of the Horizon League hasn't done much in the non-conference; in fact, YSU is the only other school with a winning record thus far. 

Double ET:
Mud, great points on the full court press for 1st and last season. It didn't work out for us, partly because we didn't have that type of players.
Because of the press, many of the guys were tire toward the end of the game. At times, when the other team has broken the press, we had difficulty in getting back on playing an organized defense. That resulted in too many easy baskets for our opponents.
As for the 3s, I was disappointed at Morgan. He could launch the 3s last year from 23 foot out and this year, he couldn't the 3s from 21 foot.


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