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IAA Fan:
I understand that he resigned last Wednesday before he interviewed at OSU on Thursday. So JT is gone from YSU in either case. If you will read my post from a few days ago in the Fire Bo thread, I said OSU president Tressel. It has been on all the local channels here in Columbus.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 26, 2019, 02:52:10 PM ---I understand that he resigned last Wednesday before he interviewed at OSU on Thursday. So JT is gone from YSU in either case. If you will read my post from a few days ago in the Fire Bo thread, I said OSU president Tressel. It has been on all the local channels here in Columbus.

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Yes and Bo is taking over as president of YSU!

Double ET:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 26, 2019, 02:52:10 PM ---I understand that he resigned last Wednesday before he interviewed at OSU on Thursday. So JT is gone from YSU in either case. If you will read my post from a few days ago in the Fire Bo thread, I said OSU president Tressel. It has been on all the local channels here in Columbus.

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Were you able to verify this with a second source?. I could not find any information on it.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 26, 2019, 02:52:10 PM ---I understand that he resigned last Wednesday before he interviewed at OSU on Thursday. So JT is gone from YSU in either case. If you will read my post from a few days ago in the Fire Bo thread, I said OSU president Tressel. It has been on all the local channels here in Columbus.

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Hope you are wrong but if not

Lebron Tressel


--- Quote from: YSUinBoston on November 26, 2019, 10:35:28 AM ---
--- Quote ---One question I have about JT is WHY deesn't he have a PHD?  There is no reason I can think of, but that is the second biggest question about a return to OSU.  This is obviously very early on in the process and the "early leader" seldome wins.  I, for one, hope he finishes his career at YSU. He has done GREAT things here, but there is MUCH to do.
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As someone with a Ph.D., it's a lot of work.  I suspect that's why Tressel doesn't have one.  He built his career as a football coach.  I am not sure why he'd spend years doing an academic research project.  Granted, it would likely be in something like exercise science or in some business administration thing...but getting your Ph.D. isn't like getting an MBA at night or something.

I would be shocked if OSU went the route of a gimmick hire like Tressel or Kasich.   The institution has too much national prestige for something like that.  It isn't just the lack of a Ph.D.  It s the lack of any serious academic or teaching credentials for either of these guys.  Now, in fairness, more institutions are going this route it seems.  I just think OSU thinks too much of itself to do it.  Tressel was a silly choice for YSU, but he is a local celebrity and YSU is functional a regional university.  It makes more sense.  I can't see any other institution he would make sense for in such a high level position.

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A PhD only means that you've studied a subject in great detail and you have very specific knowledge. This doesn't translate into being a good leader. I actually have a purpose for PhDs as I use them for sanity checks when making big decisions at work. They are not usually the best leaders but they tend to be good at navigating things on a social level vs some introverted engineer types.

The president of a university should not necessarily be a PhD. A good leader will hire good people around hin/ her a d make things happen. I disagree with the assessment that Tressel was a bad choice. As a me5latter of fact he has spend far less time in athletics and I would expect more if he were more engaged there..


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