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Basketball Hosts North Carolina Central Tonight At Beeghly

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The college 3 point line is roughly about a foot and a half further than last year.  Not sure what the numbers are around the country.  At YSU we're at 23%.  Instead of jacking up the step back 3, can some of the guys that are struggling put the ball on the floor and get to a spot like a foul line jumper or all the way to the rim,or hit some one cutting off his penetration when a defender leaves his man ?

I know it's only four games but as a fan it's hard to watch the same madness of shots clanking off the rim.

Strange game.  YSU seemed like the better team but really felt like we were going to lose in the 2nd half as it looked like a repeat of the Louisiana game down the stretch.  The difference in this game was making foul shots, which was good to see after struggling the first 3 games.  DQ is definitely the go to guy...it's hard to believe he's only a sophomore.   Was great to see Naz have the game he's capable of having...hopefully he can turn in more of these types of games down the road.  He played very confident.  We still struggle missing so many put backs, layups, etc. 

Obviously the story of the game was Geoff Hamperian.  Kind of reminded me of John Sally last year when he came off the bench and was key.  Was really nice to see him have success last night.   

The 3-PT shooting this year has been awful.  If you take Geoff's 3-4 last night away, YSU was just 2-18. 

Really hope Simmons, Cathcart, Morgan, and Akuchie can find their shooting touch soon.  It's been hard to watch.  Those 4 were 1-20 shooting last night...that's just hard to even imagine.  We got off 13 more shots then them last night including 9 more 3's.  Make a few of those shots and the game wouldn't even have been close. 

I thought maybe Covington was sick when he didn't get the start and didn't get many minutes.  He just didn't look like he had a lot of energy and wasn't his normal self, but Coach didn't say anything to allude he was sick or anything.  Seemed odd too Thomas only played 5 mins. 

At times it looks like YSU is jacking up 3's and other times it looks like guys are afraid to shoot when they're open.  At times I wish guys would take some mid-range jumpers. 

Akron is going to be a real challenge especially if we can't make shots.  Their only loss is to WVU and that was only by 10.  USC Upstate is definitely a winnable game and that's followed up by Westminster.  Wouldn't be terrible to go into Thanksgiving at 4-3.       


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