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More Bad Publicity

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C'mon. Why does Tressel get a pass? These decisions are discussed at the highest levels. Its a typical football coach mindset---create a cocoon, keep outside influences away, hope no one notices, and say as little as possible when they do.  Notice how Tressel is front and center when good things happen and no where to be found on this and everything is through a "spokesman".  The sexual assault situation is beyond embarrassing. What does it say to female students and employees? It reflects a much larger cultural problem.

Say what you want about Wolford.  Take away his first year he was over 500 in a conference play against a much stronger Missouri conference then what exists today and at least fielded competitive teams.  Bottom line is we are 8-14 in conference since 2016, and likely will drop to  8-16 at seasons end. I'm very concerned with what we have returning next season and a single win  in conference could prove difficult. Maybe Wolford wasn't head coaching material for the YSU vision,  but it certainly didn't take long for the Forty- Niners and South Carolina  to acquire his services. It would be very interesting to see how many teams knocked on Bo's door after the 2018 seasons end

The program is in shambles. No discipline, blown assignments on almost every play, players getting into it on the sidelines, half the team clearly doesn't give a crap any more.

This is an embarrassment and it would NOT be an easy fix, and that's making the GIANT assumption that the athletic dept sees this as a problem, and I don't believe they do.

We've got a big hole to climb out of to become respectable again and I don't think we have the right people in the correct positions to do so...I'm speaking about administration not the team.

I can't recall ever being this disappointed in our team. If they don't care why should we?

The biggest disappointing season in a long time.  Nothing positive has come out of this debacle.  Embarrassing is the only word that can describe it.  I can't see anyone at the last game other than the parent of the seniors.  He should do the right thing and either announce his resignation now or that he will be resigning at the end of the season.  If he won't then the administration needs to tighten the screws on the program, cut coaching staff in the budget, limit his ability to coach, sacrifice the remaining years on his contract by just gutting the program to the point of major embarrassment on his part so that it affects his ability to get another coaching position.  He would have to see the writing on the wall...which I am not sure he can through the ego glasses that he wears.  There needs to be a come to Jesus meeting with him.  Recruiting has gone down the drain.  We do not have tough, hard nosed kids.  We have baby's that give up and don't know how to deal with adversity.  We are recruiting the wrong kids regardless of talent.  I would rather see a bunch of hungry, athletic kids who play multiple sports in high school who can learn, develop, and become great players.  We don't and cannot develop players anymore.  They are the same as freshman as they are as seniors.  That is a testament to the assistant coaches and program. 

Although I am beginning to think that not many people care about the program anymore and they just don't care who coaches it or who is in charge.  The program is dying on the vine.  It is like the old story of the frog that will jump out of a pot of hot water when you throw it in but will die when you put it in a pot of cold water and turn on the heat.  It will just sit thinking it will get colder at some point until it is too late.  It needs a shot of adrenaline and it is not going to come from the current staff or administration.  Time to clean house.


That is an excellent summary of this disgusting situation.  Every point is right on the mark.  The problem is that it does not matter what you or I or any other common fan thinks.  Nothing changes until the donor class and those penguin club groupies demand it.  I suspect they will remain a contented and pampered lot while the football program disintegrates beyond the point of reclamation.


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