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More Bad Publicity

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The article I posted 1st is disgusting and somebody should be fired over it.

  Very good posts above.  Tressel does have to own some of this.  If he went in and told Strollo a change has to be made with the football program, then it would happen.  Strollo played for Tressel and before leaving for Ohio State, Tressel made sure Strollo was hired as AD.

 Strollo may have some strengths, but making tough decisions is not one of them. He doesn't have it in him to fire Pelini, even though he knows it has to happen.   

 Pelini era is a disaster.  He looks at this job as a hobby, and the program is right now has lost almost all of it's support. 


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on November 11, 2019, 12:42:13 AM ---The article I posted 1st is disgusting and somebody should be fired over it.

--- End quote ---

Im the only one who commented on it, sharing your disgust.  Everyone else commented on the state of the football program. Im not sure who should be fired. These decisions are made at the top and reflect the culture created at the top.  I wouldnt want some underling thrown to the wolves to protect the President who had to have signed off on this decision.  Its the job of the President to set the moral tone for the institution and say...wait a minute, we cant do this. At the very least he should say something publically and not send out another spokesman.

The YO Show:
gbs20 and Chief, completely agree. I read the first article and was just wondering what about that whole thing seemed like a good decision.

I'm pretty upset. This is a pattern now at YSU.

VERY VERY bad. Heads are going to roll. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s somebody very important in the administration



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