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Fire D'Alesio

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Sarcasm for sure. He has the two of them all over hia twitter acount. Laughable and delusional.  Like I said in another post.  None of this is a quick fix. It runs deep and dirty.  They have given full time coaching positions to people who should be graduate assistants.

go guins:
Rivers was nothing until he met D'Alesio!  While he does need to go, you are starting a couple levels too low.  This mess is a top down mess and Strollo and Pelini should be the first out the door!

IAA Fan:
I seem to recall someone saying that the Pelini hiring was all on JT. ;) Then why stop at Strollo?

That was just a bit of sarcasm and I know that we are all upset. I did not expect much from this season, but Bo led us to believe, this combined with the way we win/lose/play, makes things even more of a disappointment.  The team is simply not moving forward.

1. The lack of an O line until opening week.
2. The lack of recruiting running backs and foundation players which leads directly to...
3. All big play offense and defense. No balance. The only adjustments that we make on D is blitz, or not. We do make some adjustments on O, but the foundation is just not there to be successful.

The truth is that Bo is Bo and Strollo is going to handle this one of two ways:

1. The Wolf way. Or,
2. The Heacock way.

Wolf was basically told he was not going to be renewed; he got in early trouble when we lost a large group of players, from which we never seemed to recover. While coach H was given an expectation that had to be met or he would not be renewed. As I mentioned earlier, I will expect Strollo to treat Bo more like Heacock, and set an expectation.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 21, 2019, 11:01:04 AM ---I seem to recall someone saying that the Pelini hiring was all on JT. ;) Then why stop at Strollo?

That was just a bit of sarcasm and I know that we are all upset. I did not expect much from this season, but Bo led us to believe, this combined with the way we win/lose/play, makes things even more of a disappointment.  The team is simply not moving forward.

1. The lack of an O line until opening week.
2. The lack of recruiting running backs and foundation players which leads directly to...
3. All big play offense and defense. No balance. The only adjustments that we make on D is blitz, or not. We do make some adjustments on O, but the foundation is just not there to be successful.

The truth is that Bo is Bo and Strollo is going to handle this one of two ways:

1. The Wolf way. Or,
2. The Heacock way.

Wolf was basically told he was not going to be renewed; he got in early trouble when we lost a large group of players, from which we never seemed to recover. While coach H was given an expectation that had to be met or he would not be renewed. As I mentioned earlier, I will expect Strollo to treat Bo more like Heacock, and set an expectation.

--- End quote ---
I said that JT brought Bo to YSU, but you corrected me.  Not being one to argue, I converted!  (I can dabble in sarcasm too!)


Bo says he can't explain the breakdowns. Well coach, look at the film of your DB coach/DC when he played. He does everything you aren't supposed to do and you hired him. That may be a good explanation as to why you have so many breakdowns


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