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Fire D'Alesio

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Excluding the WIU game the D has given up 129 point in 3 games. I would say its a problem with personel, coaching, scheme, adjustments and preparation. 

The opposing QB has to choose which open receiver he wants to throw it to......sounds like the DC has. even training them well and effectively

The good thing is the DC has extensive on-the-job training trying to chase down receivers..... So sick of excuses about budget limitations BLAH BLAH BLAH..... This is the best we can do? 

This is bad real bad. How does a team start off winning their first four games and then go backwards and get worse as the year goes on. No team does that unless they have a slew of injuries. I'm at a loss for words. I have no faith in the administration and this coaching staff. YSU needs to do what it takes to move in a different direction as soon as the last game is played. We are a bottom feeder in our conference. Seems like the team has quit on the coaching staff and Leadership.


--- Quote from: YsuPride on November 09, 2019, 05:11:47 PM ---This is bad real bad. How does a team start off winning their first four games and then go backwards and get worse as the year goes on. No team does that unless they have a slew of injuries. I'm at a loss for words. I have no faith in the administration and this coaching staff. YSU needs to do what it takes to move in a different direction as soon as the last game is played. We are a bottom feeder in our conference. Seems like the team has quit on the coaching staff and Leadership.

--- End quote ---

When you play four cupcakes and get false bravado that is what happens...and you can't coach kids up or motivate them when the going gets tough.  You cannot constantly yell at kids today like what is happening on our sidelines  ..DEVELOP THEM!!!  This isn't Don Bucci era football...recruit tough kids regardless of talent, teach them, develop them, and they will run through a brick wall for you!!  We recruit football players..not ATHLETES!  MULTI-SPORT ATHLETES is what we are missing!!   Football players give up..ATHLETES get better because they know how to handle failure and how to buck up!!  Kids like that are easy to coach...


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