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Fire Pelini

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hey just extended him, correct? Anyone know what they are on the hook for if they fire him? Enrollment drop created a big budget hole.  Will they be willing to pay 2 coaches under these circumstances? Seems safe as long as Tressel is around.  Pelini has been there long enough that this dumpster fire is all on him.

Have we ever fired a coach that had years left on a contract?  I doubt it.  Paying both an active coach and a fired coach is something we will never do.  As goodnews just suggested, the best case is if Pelini faces reality and resigns after this season.  He must understand after today that he has lost control of this team.

Does anybody else have the horrible impression that Pelini has now done for YSU exactly what Faust did for Akron?  Made the football program totally irrelevant.

Football isn’t really a big revenue generator so firing Pelini will cost way more than its worth.

I would venture to guess more 60% of the current roster isn't D1 talent.  I would also guess 80% of the coaching staff isn't D1 either.  The two combined is exactly why we are, where we are.  He has one hell of an ego to think that he can make up for the lack of knowledge of his coaches and make us competitive.   

Won't happen. He will have to resign.. Problem is, Carl is taking over once Bo leaves. It was apart of the deal when Bo signed his extension and got Carl to come back.


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