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Fire Pelini

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True. But what has that got them? And I would bet that they are complaining that they arent getting enough to compete. 

Salary increases the chances of success but it doesnt equate to success.  It takes hard work to recruit good coaches just as it does to recruit good players.  And you have to have something to offer them. 

YSU was turned down by multiple coaches before they hired Bolden who was motivated and built the womens basketball program that was at a point far below where football is now.  Now its self sustaining. 

FInd a young D2 or D3 coach who is ambitious and dont use ties to Youngstown as a criteria.  Tressel didnt have ties to Youngstown before he got here and neither did most of his assistants.  Its no guarantee   but clearly past approaches havent worked.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on November 03, 2019, 06:35:22 AM ---
 not only do you have to be a good recruiter of players, but you must also be a good recruiter of coaches, especially when you have limited resources. This means the Pelini has to find good up-and-coming coaches that are good recruiters, good coaches, and will work for less to have the opportunities.

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Agreed, at our level this will apply to any head coach. JT did a good job with this.

AD needs to find that diamond in the ruff HC, an up and comer. The guy that other schools will be luring away from us after he proves how good he is. This will not be easy but that is the job of the AD. And when you can see you made a bad pick, know when to start looking again.


--- Quote from: gbs20 on November 03, 2019, 07:21:39 AM ---With respect, I cant buy the resources argument.  The stadium and WATTS are top tier especially compared to other FCS programs. The university environment is the best its been.  Its on Pelini to find and young hire up and comers from the coaching ranks. Money isnt the issue, its having a good set up on the career ladder. They also have to want to work for him.  We've seen his personality. What does he have to offer to an aspiring coach?  Maybe the only ones who will work for him are the cronies.  It cant be harder to recruit to Youngstown than the Dakotas and Iowa and middle of Illinois.  Its not expensive to recruit Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland not be mention Western PA. There is competition for talent everywhere. The idea was that players would come here because of Pelini. Maybe they arent coming here because of Pelini.

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His personality has nothing to do with it.  If he can promise a true shot at the NFL, he will get the talent he needs.  Pelini is not the only recruiter.  "You win with people"-Someone close to the university said that years ago.  The issue is that you need to recruit the talent required to win.  Winning allows you to get even more talent.  Talent enables you win games against good teams.  Talent allows you to play a non-perfect game and win because talent helps you to cover up mistakes.  Real talent works to eliminate mistakes. 

If there is a real shot at getting a good look from the NFL with Pelini's NFL ties then it would be worth keeping him, but he needs a good staff surrounding him and he doesn't have it.  If we continue to lose, it will be even more difficult to recruit.  NDSU has a national recruiting footprint.  We do not.  Did you see their roster?  They have kids from Florida and California...from all over.  We do not have that level of diversity nor do we have that sort of recruiting presence.  They don't even have a freaking stadium.  They rent the Fargo Dome, they have outdoor football fields not an indoor practice facility.  They have money because they have a fan base that puts more than 5k people in the stands.  They have boosters and they pay more to their coaches.  They have a recruiting strategy that is outstanding.   We have a coach that doesn't care to recruit and then has assistants, some of which are unqualified, to land recruits.  Pelini has to do it all himself.  I always use D'Alesio as an example because he is easy to point out as the example......but there is no way I would go and play for D'Alesio.  NO FREAKING WAY.  Pelini would have to come to my house.  Now if it was NDSU and I knew that they win all of the time....maybe I would sign on and play for one of their assistants.  I don't think we have that kind of continuity or program.  Do we even have a program or do we just randomly get whatever we can when it comes to player personnel?


--- Quote from: gbs20 on November 03, 2019, 08:01:18 AM ---True. But what has that got them? And I would bet that they are complaining that they arent getting enough to compete. 

Salary increases the chances of success but it doesnt equate to success.  It takes hard work to recruit good coaches just as it does to recruit good players.  And you have to have something to offer them. 

YSU was turned down by multiple coaches before they hired Bolden who was motivated and built the womens basketball program that was at a point far below where football is now.  Now its self sustaining. 

FInd a young D2 or D3 coach who is ambitious and dont use ties to Youngstown as a criteria.  Tressel didnt have ties to Youngstown before he got here and neither did most of his assistants.  Its no guarantee   but clearly past approaches havent worked.

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YSU was turned down by other coaches because we don't resource the coaches to be successful.  They wanted more money, we cannot afford it.  I know that some people on this board think $100k is a lot of money but outside of the Mahoning Valley that is not a lot of money.  It is peanuts in comparison to what other schools pay.  Talent can go somewhere else for more money and talent WILL do that.

We need some sort of SWOT analysis done for each sport and then use that SWOT to find the right coach and have a plan to leverage strengths, address weaknesses, aggressively pursue opportunities, and eliminate threats. 

https://www.inforum.com/bison-media-zone/mens-sports/football/4752459-McFeely-Pelini-is-blunt-as-always-but-what-else-can-he-say This should have been a trap game and much closer game for the Bison, considering our win last week and their hard fought contest only having to go on the road and face a Pelini squad that historically plays them close. Instead it looked like they never lost their 25 seniors from a year ago and were the home team inside the Fargo dome. On the bright side of things our next two opponents are very bad. Western beat South Dakota yesterday and South Dakota shut out Indiana St earlier in the year. It will be interesting to see how this team responds on the road


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