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Fire Pelini

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Pelini is one guy.  He is the one guy in charge of the program. I am not here to defend him, but he is not working with adults with regard to his coaching staff. His staff is also more than half responsible for getting the right players and having them prepared. They are not because his staff is incapable. Part of this has to do with the financial resources he has available to him.....not much. Either way. not only do you have to be a good recruiter of players, but you must also be a good recruiter of coaches, especially when you have limited resources. This means the Pelini has to find good up-and-coming coaches that are good recruiters, good coaches, and will work for less to have the opportunities.  But they also need some experience and natural talent because they will need players to make up for coaching inexperience until they learn their coaching positions well.

We don't have this.  Pelini can recognize a good player but he cannot recognize good coach. You win with the best players, but those players are schemed and motivated by coaching, at least until the team cohesion takes effect. We don't have that cohesiveness because we don't have the leadership in the assistant coaching positions (outside of Carl). We need some adults in the room and we just don't have them.

That is where this shifts to Strollo.  Shift more money to football. That is the only sport the community cares for.  All of the others pale in comparison.  Give the resources to get what we want. Don't let this turn into what happened with Heacock where you eliminate what is left if the fan base. I watched the fans disappear every year under Heacock and it continued under Wolford and now we are getting to a new low under Pelini.  Ron your 5 year plan is failing.  You need to help fix this mess you helped to make.

With respect, I cant buy the resources argument.  The stadium and WATTS are top tier especially compared to other FCS programs. The university environment is the best its been.  Its on Pelini to find and young hire up and comers from the coaching ranks. Money isnt the issue, its having a good set up on the career ladder. They also have to want to work for him.  We've seen his personality. What does he have to offer to an aspiring coach?  Maybe the only ones who will work for him are the cronies.  It cant be harder to recruit to Youngstown than the Dakotas and Iowa and middle of Illinois.  Its not expensive to recruit Toledo, Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland not be mention Western PA. There is competition for talent everywhere. The idea was that players would come here because of Pelini. Maybe they arent coming here because of Pelini. 

When I say resources, I mean coaches salaries. We don't pay and there are MAC schools that pay more right down the road

Akron's coach is incentivized to make $600k as of 2018.  Terry Bowden made $412k.  The OC at Kent makes $137k.  How do you compete with that?



We have a gazillion assistant AD's running around the joint.  Reorganize and funnel the money to football coaching salaries.   That is what I would do.  Build the program up so you can continue to afford to hire good football coaches and then you can add back some help with the assistant ADs. As it stands we will continue to get worse because there is such a big discrepancy in coaching salaries.  I would also argue that recruiting is more difficult in the FCS and the teams we play are better coached than the MAC, which makes coaching tougher with less pay.  Who would want that job?  I  know......no one except unqualified Donald D'Alesio caliber people that cannot recruit because they couldn't play and they have zero experience.

We get what we deserve.  As long as Strollo is the main AD this will not change.  We need to do something quickly before we are thrown back to the 1970's D2 irrelevance days.  We are close. 

The way to fix it as it is is to hire a few Alpha recruiters that can turn this thing around.  At least it's one way to do it, and keep the current org structure and have a good football program.  The other way is to deal with the current issue:  We are too fat in the admin side for the services they are providing.   Here is a list of AD's currently in the directory:

Name         Title   
Rick Love         Associate Director of Athletics
Trevor Parks     Director of Athletics Communications   
Jamie Hall          Assistant Director of Athletics Communications   
Drae Smith       Assistant Director of Athletics Communications/Event Management       
John Vogel        Assistant Director of Athletics Communications
Elaine Jacobs   Associate Director of Athletics/SWA   
Emily Wollet   Associate Athletic Director   
Rebecca Fink   Assistant Athletic Director   
Myisha Jennings   Assistant Athletic Director
Robb Schmidt   Assistant Athletic Director, Marketing and Promotions   
Chris Sumner   Assistant Athletic Director, Sales and Event Management
Tim Stuart   Assistant Athletic Director
Tom Morella   Assistant Athletic Director   
Jim Morrison   Associate Athletic Director for The Penguin Club   
Andrew Wingard Assistant Director of Athletics – Sales & Development

We need Trevor parks as he is a real talent, but I think we need to do a little more with less, combine some of these jobs and give the money to the coaching staff after they fire all of the people that don't belong.  The Penguin Club people are useless.  I would have fired them many years ago.  Hire me.  I have an MBA with a certificate in finance and Innovation as well as an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering.  I currently manage a multi-million dollar operation (far larger than the athletic department budget) and do it will far less staff.  The problem is that I don't want to move back there because the weather sucks ......but I am sure there is someone that is qualified to fix the issue.


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