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Fire Pelini

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What will the coach say after this humiliation?


--- Quote from: goodnews on November 02, 2019, 08:16:56 PM ---What will the coach say after this humiliation?

--- End quote ---

If we're lucky - Good bye!


--- Quote from: goodnews on November 02, 2019, 08:16:56 PM ---What will the coach say after this humiliation?

--- End quote ---

forget this game like i forgot nebraska and win 3 straight games and get into playoffs.

Dear sweet, tiny, infant, baby Jesus. Please let someone record a tirade from Bo tonight after the game and then leak said recording tomorrow so that we, the faithful, may be rid of this foolishness. Amen!

We are not as good as ndsu but we are not this bad either. He just cannot seem to get the guys ready for games, no mental toughness, after the first fumble they looked as if they did not care.


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