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Fire Pelini

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IAA Fan:
I got the survey #34. It seems like more of a game-day atmosphere survey; but I did mention a few things that I would like to see. The one thing that I forgot is that I would like them to make the video board back to more of a scoreboard with video. I wish to see time, TOL, etc.i It is like we only have the new smaller scoreboard now.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 19, 2019, 04:16:53 PM ---I got the survey #34. It seems like more of a game-day atmosphere survey; but I did mention a few things that I would like to see. The one thing that I forgot is that I would like them to make the video board back to more of a scoreboard with video. I wish to see time, TOL, etc.i It is like we only have the new smaller scoreboard now.

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My survey would ask why we are adding Lacrosse, Swimming, bowling, etc. and take on all of the those coaching, recruiting, and travel expenses when the onl sport that matters has a litany of coaches that are underpaid by today's standards and is not helping the only sport that matters to win.

I've heard some new assistant coaches will be coming. Bo is staying.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 19, 2019, 04:16:53 PM ---I got the survey #34. It seems like more of a game-day atmosphere survey; but I did mention a few things that I would like to see. The one thing that I forgot is that I would like them to make the video board back to more of a scoreboard with video. I wish to see time, TOL, etc.i It is like we only have the new smaller scoreboard now.

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To me it was strange, maybe because I’m so frustrated with the program.  Since we have never been sent a survey in the past.  Was this a legitimate honest survey?  Ok, I’ll buy that as I think they SHOULD ask us our thoughts.  Nothing wrong with trying to make the game day experience positive/better. Btw-our biggest gripe in sec 4 row 13 is that the PA system is worse than the football team, as if that’s even possible. Also, the radio feed they have in the concessions is equally piss poor. Anyway, couldn’t help but to also wonder, did they mask an a opportunity for fans to blast Pelini, Strollo and whoever else by creating it to look simply as a “game day experience survey.”   Idk...maybe it’s just my own delusional conspiracy.  Either way, PLENTY OF THINGS NEED IMPROVED ON.  Judging by pelini’s presser today, he is either spouting more general BS or he had an actual, real life, honest, productive come to Jesus with himself.  Can’t wait to see what all these changes are going to be next year.  Except, we are still undecided on renewing our tickets.

I hope they surprise me but I don't see us being able to afford any coordinators that are going to "wow" us with their resumes.

That being said I will welcome the changes and the attempt to improve because staying with the status quo with the current staff would be throwing next year away before it even begins.

I'm going to guess (hope) Carl returns to D coordinator\assistant head coach and maybe we change a few other position coaches also.


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