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The question is what is the difference between the teams under Tressel and now.

1.  Better coaching staff
2.  Leadership within the TEAM
4.  Game Management
5.  Accountability
6.  Motivation
7.  They believed they were gonna win


--- Quote from: goodnews on October 14, 2019, 08:28:01 PM ---The question is what is the difference between the teams under Tressel and now.

1.  Better coaching staff
2.  Leadership within the TEAM
4.  Game Management
5.  Accountability
6.  Motivation
7.  They believed they were gonna win

--- End quote ---

And there were only around 80 teams in FCS and our talent was better than the rest of the teams overall. Today kids won't sit as a backup at FBS schools. They want to play and so there is far more talent in the FCS level. There are more teams. Our facilities are no longer in the top 10. More difficult to recruit to compete at the highest level of FCS

IAA Fan:
1. To the best of my knowledge, we pay the $2k FCOA stipend. If not, we do it in some other way (maybe private). Does anyone have any info on this?

2. You people need to stop living in the past. We lost most of our big games (regular season) under coach T. He ran a vanilla offense, just enough to win 7 games. Then we became a completely different club in the post-season. We simply out-smarted our play-off opponents by giving them things that they had never seen before on O and our D was always one of the best in the US.
- During coach T's successful period, we were intentionally an independent because it was too difficult to win the OVC; or any conference compared to scheduling whomever you wish. We focused on clubs of local interest.
- Our scheduling was so easy that the NCAA finally enacted what was nicknamed "the Tressel Rule" with much more strict scheduling requirements. (7 DI wins, instead of 7-wins). This forced us to join a conference (the Gateway/MVFC) as we could not find enough I-AA teams (as an independent) and we could no longer schedule 2 & 3 DII clubs and still expect to make the post-season. Additionally, the MAC was improving and we could no longer count on these wins. Also, as many had said before, many of the MAC schools did not want to play YSU.
- By continuing to honor our DII commitments, (which made great financial sense) we cut down on the number of games that would help us qualify for the post-season. Tress was really gone by then so it impacted Heacock to a greater degree.

3. I-AA/FCS was designed to encourage local talent to "stay local". You have provide enough scholarship dollars to get a degree, but not (at least back then) live too far from mom and dad. Youngstown is the the heart of football in America. Every kid will take ANY (then IA) school over ANY I-AA school. So the kids from the Valley have plenty of IA choices. I mean we are a few hours from much of the Big-10, Penn State (not in the Big-10 yet), Pitt, WVU, Cinci, Marshall. Kent and Akron are just minutes away and the choice for 9-out-of-10 local players over YSU. The xDSU's do not have this issue.

4. The FCS schools in the Dakota's (4 of them) are the top teams in their perspective states. Our states top teams are Ohio State. Michigan, Michigan State, Penn State, Pitt, etc. So NDSU and SDSU can recruit the top local and regional HS players. We have not even a minor chance to do the same.

5. So if you want to cut into the xDSU teams dominance, the smarter coach might want to consider recruiting the Dakota's. Take away some of this talent. After all don't they say 'if you can't beat them, join them'? Yet, until you start beating the xDSU's it is not likely you will recruit any impact players away from them, kind of a "catch-22". Besides, why spend the recruiting $$$ for a few players from the Dakotas, when the same money will bring in 10 kids from Florida.

5. BTW, it is not as if the Dakota teams just started winning. One of those teams was the DII national champ probably 5 of every 10-years. Always in the final 4.

go guins:

--- Quote from: goodnews on October 14, 2019, 08:28:01 PM ---The question is what is the difference between the teams under Tressel and now.

1.  Better coaching staff
2.  Leadership within the TEAM
4.  Game Management
5.  Accountability
6.  Motivation
7.  They believed they were gonna win

--- End quote ---
I disagree with you only in that I see it this way:
1.  Better coaching staff Tressel directed coaching staff
2.  Leadership within the TEAM Tressel developed leadership within the team
3. DISCIPLINE Tressel demanded disipline
4. Game Management Tressel was best game day head coach in YSU history by a LONG way
5.  Accountability Tressel developed accountability throughout the entire program.
6. Motivation developed by best head coach we'll ever have
7.  They believed they were gonna win  They didn't "believe" they were going to win, under Tressel they KNEW they were going to win.

I dont think its about living in the past.  Its more about recognizing the attributes of a once in a generation coach versus a mediocre coach who has many short comings.  Just an observation. I will say Tressel had his fair share of off the field issues as we all know.  But it was ALL business Friday nights and Saturdays at Stambaugh. 


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