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Game Day: YSU Opens MVFC Play With Contest at No. 13 UNI

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Amazing how well the d-line played and how poorly the secondary played

Double ET:
Playing a team ranked ahead of us at their place, we simply did not play well enough to win. Play a good game and win at home next week, we will be back in.

The MVFC is weak this year. NDSU and UNI THEN???

Find it hard to believe this team will beat anyone they shouldn't.  Not to mention beat all the teams they should.  Mays makes mistakes but he certainly is a competitor.  Moving forward, all teams will bring the heat.  I'm afraid Craycraft will be in trouble with a poor O-Line.

IAA Fan:
I believe the problem with the Oline is talent. Even so, I have to believe that a Jody Webb, Or Martin Ruiz, or a Jermain Cook would have eaten up UNI. I mean, with all respect, we have all seen Alessi line up with 2 of those guys and there was simply no comparison, Alessi was clearly a step below. We run by committee because we have no leader. We need a TB that can make a whole out of a seam.

That dropped pass arrived early and under thrown ...none-the-less, it was a 'catchable' ball. Kick was wide right.

Our D line simply cannot apply pressure. When they do, they ignore everything else but the QB. That includes the TB's with the ball. The first two defensive sets of the second half, we brought pressure from the ends & it was just as effective. The difference was UNI could not run against a YSU Dline that stayed home. Every darn 3 & long we brought middle pressure & gave up big yards. Had we stayed home, UNI may have gotten a few yards, but not the 10-15 needed for the conversion. UNI simply ran delayed plays and we fell for it. I blame that on coaching.

The secondary just does not have it.

Also, UNI is not an upper-half MVFC team. We just wish they were. Wait until next week. A big line (not sure on depth though), mobile QB with arm, 2 good receivers & two good TBs.


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