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Bobby Morris

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The teams in the 90's had those intangibles that all good teams have.  The will to win, working as a team, making sacrifices for the team, enthusiasm, swagger.  We had it then, Appalachian State, Georgia Southern and currently North Dakota State have it or had it.  In addition in the 90's we were lucky to have no major injuries.

For me, the '93 and '94 teams were the best that we ever had.  '91 and '97 were spectacular overachievers, and that is not a knock but a complement. 

Ron Strollo has said during interviews several times that he could not play at this level today.  I think that the talent level in the MVFC is better than anything that we faced in the 90s.  Remember that there were no "instant" transfers then.  Going from IA to IAA meant sitting out a year, and I suspect big time refugees ended up at MAC schools.

Yet I agree with YSU1 that intangibles are vital and that we had them in abundance during the 90s. 

IAA Fan:
I would say that the gap between IA/FBS and I-AA/FCS has increased dramatically & will be even greater now that newbies can play 4 games. Scholarship changes most-likely. In the 50's-early 70's YSU had 3 QB's play professionally. We beat Cinci and played well against Missouri. We were DII. It has to due with opportunity to play:
 The game began as Football colleges & universities vs non-football colleges and universities.
-Then it became the NCAA with University vs. College.
-Then it became College & Universities vs Small Colleges and universities.
-Then it became DI vs DII.
-Then it became DI vs. D-II vs D-III and the addition of NAIA as a governing body with DI, DII and DIII.
-Then it was IA vs I-AA vs D-II vs D-III vs NAIA
-Now it is FBS vs FCS vs D-II vs D-III vs NAIA. Also the scholarship equivalents have made almost half of the non-scholarship DI schools begin offering financial aid. Let's also not forget that FBS may require all athletes on scholarship, but it does not state how much. Many MAC players were getting little or no scholarship dollars, but now the schools realize this will not do. Thus increasing the gap even further with TV contracts.

Joe Bernastat:
Never played Missouri.

Double ET:

--- Quote from: Joe Bernastat on September 26, 2019, 07:48:58 PM ---Never played Missouri.

--- End quote ---
Did not beat Cinci either. I was at the game at Stamburgh. We lost in last second in a goal line stand when Naduzzi was called for delay of game. The ref stopped the clock (Cinci did not have any more Time off) and Cinni scored on the next play as time expired.
Can anyone else verify my account of that game?


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