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Duquesne Week

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Good job showing that atrocity of a call to the entire world.  Did Reed lead with his helmet? No.  Did Reed hit the qb after the ball was thrown?  No, the hit CAUSED the fumble.  Did Reed cause the qb to hit the ground and possibly get a boo-boo?  Yes, that must be it.

The league office should overturn this call, but they will protect their gutless, incompetent officials.  Fortunately, Reed should not be missed in the first half against another NEC pushover.

Double ET:
The only targeting committed for that play was done by the ref against fairness and against Reed.

not the only time in the game the ref's were clueless, that was just a good football play

Double ET:
Hey ref, because of you guys, there was no "Justus" for this game.

On another issue it seems that teams are trying to get tall wide receivers on our shorter dbs, especially number 2 and 7.  Many pass interference penalties when they make contact with the receivers.  Not sure what we can do in the future about this, but it seems like it will be an issue all season.

Punting is also an issue.  Watched 43 punting in warm-ups and he can really boom the ball.  In the game with a rush and at times less than ideal snaps, he has had trouble. I think this will improve.

QB play better than I expected.  Hope it holds together.

D and O lines are fine.  RB is fine. Receivers fine. Tight ends really good. Line backers fine.  Safeties fine. Corners may be an issue.

My uneducated opinions.


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