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Handicap parking

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Double ET:
The system did not work very well for a lot of us old folks who had been boarding the bus at M1 deck at least for the last 15 years.
At least 10 of us were still waiting for the bus 15 minutes before game time. This included an out of town family coming to town to watch (for the first time) their relative who transferred in to play for ysu. They gave up and walked to the game in order not to miss the kick off. They told me they were told to wait for the bus in M1 deck.
This is their contact with ysu.

Kudos to the bus driver who saw us and came over to pick us up. He was just as confused as us on why would the bus not be scheduled to make a stop at M1 since the route passed right in front of M1 deck. The driver indicated that the M1 had had the largest ridership for the buses historically

Communications has always been a major problem at ysu, according to internal survey. Things have not changed.

As a minimum, the buses should have stopped at M1 deck, at least for this weekend until all are informed of the change. But, this is too much to ask.

Speaking of lack of communications, a couple of old folks were told to go to the new pick up area instead of M1, only to be told that they could park in the lot since they did not have a handicap parking tag....

I guess things did go smoothly.... depending on your expectations. It did not meet my expectations...

IAA Fan:
At least the university is making an attempt to do something. I have to say that the buses were highly-visible this week. It has to be hard when you only have 5 or 6 events per year.

Parking@ysu.edu is their email. Send them your comments and suggestions. I think adding the deck is a good idea. Another idea is for them to realize that many of these people are seniors; many of which do not stay for the entire game. They should run continuously.


I give up.  These people are hopeless.  So the M1 deck had the highest level of shuttle use.  The shuttle buses must drive down Wick on the way to picking up passengers in the new handicapped lot.  So let's not stop at the Wick deck anymore and make seniors who lack handicapped stickers walk nearly a half mile to the stadium.  This isn't a communication problem.  It is a demonstration of abject stupidity.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on September 29, 2019, 06:05:46 PM ---ET,

I give up.  These people are hopeless.  So the M1 deck had the highest level of shuttle use.  The shuttle buses must drive down Wick on the way to picking up passengers in the new handicapped lot.  So let's not stop at the Wick deck anymore and make seniors who lack handicapped stickers walk nearly a half mile to the stadium.  This isn't a communication problem.  It is a demonstration of abject stupidity.

--- End quote ---
I agree.  When you tear out the existing handicap parking and ignore it until after a game or two, then find an out of the way lot, call it handicapped and run a couple shuttle bus's, you do NOT get credit for addressing the problem from me!  The university should be thoroughly embarrassed by this episode. 


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